The gentleness of a numerologist

I never thought a fortune teller would say such a thing...

I still remember that on the eve of the wedding, my mother asked me for my husband's birthday. Even though I knew my mother's intentions in my heart, I still resisted in my heart. I couldn't help but mutter in my heart, "I'm about to get married, so is it necessary to match the eight characters? If it doesn't match, what should I do?"

I believe that many people have similar troubles to me, and they may be hesitant about whether to give Bazi or not, for fear that bad results will cause trouble for themselves. Fortunately, I have been very assertive since I was a child, and I have always had the courage to take on and be responsible for my choices. I have never caused any burden or trouble to my parents, so I followed my mother's wishes. See Tricks and Tricks.

After a while, my mother didn't mention the result of the horoscope to me. Instead, I took the initiative to ask curiously, and my mother told me, "Auntie said she's going to get married, so she doesn't need horoscope!" The answer was completely unexpected, in fact, I was very moved. It turns out that not every fortune teller takes money to do things. A fortune teller with professional ethics will take into account the mood of the newcomer, and will also think that if the result of fortune telling is not suitable, it will definitely cause great harm to a family. It is better to sincerely bless the newlyweds and earn a little less money in exchange for the gratitude of others. In fact, it is very considerate and full of tenderness.

Many people have mixed opinions on the fortune-tellers. Some people complain that the fortune-tellers kill their wallets, while more people blame the fortune-tellers for letting them fall into a tragedy. It must be borne by oneself. As for how much to refer to the opinions of the fortune teller, it is only a personal choice, and there is no need to be overly fearful or presupposed.

It may take a bit of luck to meet a gentle and considerate numerologist, but please remember to stabilize your heart first. When you have enough rational judgment ability, you will not easily be influenced by other people's words, and you will be able to see your true self more clearly. The goal I want to reach is just like I had already decided that I would get married no matter what, no matter what the fortune teller said, it would not be able to shake my decision, because I know that I have enough capacity to bear, and naturally I can face the unknown prophecy head-on, but I didn't expect that I was in a good combat position, but in exchange I was filled with emotion and gratitude. I think this is also the greatest blessing to my newly married!

Image source: unsplash


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