Relatives are absolutely the most annoying guests ever! !

Relatives are scary enough, and even worse if they are relatives who are related to Togo's parents! ! !

If you ask me which kind of customer is the most annoying? Then my answer must be relatives. In addition to the risk of their own drinking buddies being "Ok", you also need to take on additional moral pressure.

Many people can't stand the "warm greetings" from relatives during the New Year, and if these relatives or elders ask you, it will be a disaster. Your mood will be like firecrackers during the Chinese New Year, it will be blown up in a mess, crackling.

If you don't listen to the old man's words, the loss is really in front of you. My senior in the studio once reminded me as a past person not to take on the cases of relatives and friends, unless you are very familiar with him and have a good relationship. At that time, I was stupid. The left ear went in and the right ear came out. I didn't listen to this advice at all. It was not until recently that I encountered a lot of things that I remembered what the senior said at the time.

Next, I will talk about two painful and bloody cases that I have personally experienced (but in fact, I have encountered three things recently, but the follow-up of one of them is still in progress, so I will not mention it for the time being). Pulling any of them out is enough to make people angry. It happened in the past three months. As an atheist, I have to wonder if I have "committed Tai Sui" this year, as others say. I don't know if I don't check it, but after checking it, I have really committed Tai Sui this year, but My dad also said that he helped me "An Tai Sui" during the new year! ! May I ask if the bright lights are cheating me for money! ! !

It's too far, that's another story, and I'll talk about it after I study it carefully.

In June of this year, the epidemic situation in Taiwan was severe, and colleges and universities started full online teaching as they did in the past. It was also at this time that I moved home and I encountered a bunch of messy things later.

The first case happened three months ago, just after the final exam, I took my tablet and went to the park not far from my home to find inspiration. There were not many people in the park, and there were no children who used to play in the children's play area. , a person has nothing to do, sitting on the swing, with the swing of the swing, the air brushes past my ears, and my heart flies.

I didn't have any purpose in coming to the park this time. I just wanted to relax. On the tablet, I recorded the content, including text, and some pictures that I thought were very interesting. I painted him as a painting and went home.

After I got home, I put the drawing on my Instagram feed, with my mood for the day. So far, everything seemed normal. I didn't expect that, about four hours after I posted it in real life. , I have a friend who I don't know too well to send me a private message, the content is probably that her mother sees my work is very beautiful, and I hope I can design his store flyer.

At first, of course I refused. I thought it was over. I didn't expect him to be my aunt's good friend. Later, one day, when I went to my aunt's store, the mother happened to be there, so she asked me again. , "Oh, our little painter is here, that picture is so beautiful... (a bunch of polite words) Can you help me design a flyer for my store?"

My aunt didn't know at the beginning, so when she heard the design leaflet, she took out the leaflet I designed for him, and she looked proud, "This is what we designed by Niuniu. It's very beautiful. He used to win more awards than graphic design, Taichung. City Champion..."

Not good! I was gradually getting unhappy, and even if I didn't understand the matter, it would be a disservice. Sure enough, that aunt told me about my previous rejection, and my aunt followed his words, "If Niuniu is so powerful, please help! Don't. So stingy..."

That's all right, I have to sell this favor no matter what, so I took the risk of accepting this appointment.

According to the rules I took in the past, after the first draft is finalized, the details can only be revised three times, otherwise there will be additional charges. This mom changed it three, three, three more times. I want to say forget it, he is my aunt's friend and I'm not a professional, so I didn't plan to count extra money with him. I didn't expect him to suddenly regret when he got the final deal and asked me to add other elements. Then the original design was warm tones, and he said he would change it to a forest style.

My dissatisfaction reached its peak, and I explained it directly: "Auntie, I'm sorry, I think I may not be suitable for this job. You are still dissatisfied after so many revisions, so you may need to find someone else to design it for you. .” Later, he said a lot of things like your design is great, I don’t want to be critical, I think you can definitely complete it, and so on. But in my heart, I simply and rudely regarded it as "farting" and ended the conversation after just a few words.

Originally, it was because of human favor, and I didn't receive a deposit in advance.

second thing

I went back to Hualien in July, and when I was chatting with my grandmother, he accidentally found out that I was selling second-hand things at Shopee, and soon, everyone in our family knew.

At the end of July, I have already returned home from Hualien ahead of schedule. My parents, aunt and my cousin are still there.

One night, I suddenly received a call from my mother, and suddenly asked me if I could help sell things on the shrimp skin. Did I feel anything? It doesn't matter if my family is a favor. I agreed without asking for details. down.

Two days later, my mother called me, just like gossip on weekdays, first to ask if the three sisters were all well in Taichung... I only contacted me when I asked about the thing a few days ago that I wanted to help sell things. I told a story, the matter involves the privacy of the family, and it is inconvenient to describe in detail. In short, my aunt has recently changed jobs and has relatively little income recently, so when I heard that I could sell second-hand things, I "hoped" that I could help my aunt to put His previous boutique bags were sold. (My aunt is an executive of a boutique company, so he always buys his own bags, but the number of bags is huge, and he doesn't use many of them)

Originally this is not a difficult thing, I promised to do it naturally. The first time, my aunt took three bags for me to try and see if they could sell. On the phone, I told my aunt that they would give me a 15-20% cut after they were sold. The bag was placed in my store, and after a week or two of major changes, two bags were bought. To be honest, that bag is really new and in very good condition, I'm not surprised that it can be sold. Just when I was happy to tell the good news to the owner of the bag, that is, my aunt, she generously said that she would let me take a cut in the way she said before. The only thing I didn't expect was that my mother overheard my conversation with my aunt.

After a while, he called and went straight to the point, "Auntie's bags are already sold at such a low price, I think you can take a little money, the meaning is good." Just when I was still covered, he again Continue to say, "Your aunt doesn't know if you can sell it or not, so it's so cheap. You see xx boutique bags are sold so cheaply, aunt really doesn't make much money... It's really hard to find a job recently, I'm really happy I want to help him..."

Then I heard my dad echoing my mom on the other end of the phone, "You haven't done anything, at most 10%, that's a lot, don't be so greedy..."

They didn't give me time to talk at all, and the two of them discussed at length in front of me over the phone, and finally came to the conclusion, "Oh, your child has so much money to do shit, and you have to care about so much for your help. "

Excuse me! ! ! I haven't said a word since I picked up the phone, so how could I become fussy? ? ?

Later, my mother said that she really wanted to help my aunt like a needle jumper. I endured it to the limit and said, "Hey, the shrimp skin will also be drawn from me. Now you want me to give all the money to my aunt. If you want me to help, you have to pay it back. Money?" (A bag of shrimp skin probably smoked more than 800)

My mother changed her words. The content is probably to ask my aunt to give me 2,500 yuan for the two bags, and then I absorb the tax for the shrimp skin, which is equivalent to the payment of about 1,600 for two bags.

I laughed after listening to it, not to mention that my aunt never felt that there was a problem with me taking the fee, my parents overheard my phone call, and then OOXX over there. Besides, I used to run the shop for shrimp skin for so long, Are the accumulated ratings fake? !

What is it? I didn't do anything. The customers' bargaining, the products need to be marketed, the promotion of the store, as well as taking photos of the products, checking the price and packaging of the same products from other sellers... Don't take everything I do as For granted? If you don't see the efforts I made behind the successful sale of the product, don't point fingers there.

I love my aunt very much. When I promised to help, I didn't plan to take money from my aunt. After all, the jobs mentioned above are quite easy for me. It was my aunt who said that I helped him, and he wanted to give me a commission, and then now I was said by you to care about love.

If you really want to help him and hope he can get all the money, then you can set up a store by yourself to help him sell it, I will never have any opinion :) But don't kidnap me morally while expecting me to help.

I'm stingy, I like to care about things, I just don't think it's a matter of course for the younger generation to pay! !

Even though I am an adult, in the eyes of the elders at home, my age seems to stop at giving me a compliment and I should show my age unconditionally. If you give me a piece of candy, I should be very grateful. If there is anything in need of help, I should be obliged to help without asking for anything in return.

You always complain about encountering "Okes" at work, so why do you become the kind of person you often complain about when you go home and face your younger generation?

But I can't complain yet, because you always come up with the ultimate "what kind of attitude" to deal with me, it's ridiculous to think about it.

...................................................... ...................................................... .................2022/09/09 Contradictory girl

I am a contradictory girl, the following is the platform I often haunt, welcome everyone to follow & get to know me~

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