The belated [2021 Matters Annual Questionnaire]


The original plan was to complete the 2021 Matters annual questionnaire at the beginning of the year. I didn’t expect to receive a case that I haven’t come to the door for a long time. I have no time to fill it up until now. Although it has been delayed for a long time, I still want to leave some words for 2021, no matter good or bad. Yes, I want to record it well. (And the Lunar New Year hasn't arrived yet, so it should be in time.)

1. Write down an event that happened this year that you want to record permanently.

 1. Give up your possessions.
2. Donate newly grown hair.
3. It is also necessary to ride a motorcycle around the peninsula in heavy wind and rain.
4. Move from the middle to the north, but there is still a long way to go from Taipei.

What to do, these are very important miles! Well, all stay.

2. Two full years have passed, and the epidemic is still continuing. How has the pandemic changed your life compared to two years ago? Do you think it can be restored?

 I have become more and more frail, and I seriously suspect that because of the epidemic, I have hand-washing paranoia. No matter if I come back from the outside, after using the toilet at home, or touching something, I always use soap to wash my hands. Peace of mind.

As long as it is an item brought back from the outside, it must be cleaned with alcohol before entering the house, whether it is fruit, vegetable, or mobile phone, without exception, but every time a large replenishment comes back, it takes a while to sterilize , I really miss those days without crazy disinfection.

Even if I just go downstairs to dispose of the garbage, I have to change into my outdoor clothes. When I get home, I immediately take off my outdoor clothes and put them in the dirty clothes hanger area. After washing my hands, I can put on my home clothes. cough cough.

I really hope that the epidemic will subside as soon as possible, and give us a world without masks! I haven't seen the handsome guy on the road for a long time, sad.

I believe that the epidemic will end one day, and my handwashing and alcohol paranoia should be cured without medicine!

3. In 2021, where will you (finally) lie flat?

 Ashamed to say, I lay flat in my comfort zone for a while, and I could have tried harder, but I just couldn't get up. Maybe something happened in 2021, which is particularly overwhelming, but this is part of life. Lying down, you will suddenly have the desire to get up and run away.

4. In 2021, what will give you the deepest sense of meaning or give you the greatest sense of power?

 Letting go, for me, is a subject that requires careful practice.

After I really let go of those annoying thoughts, I gradually realized that letting go can make the world in front of me clearer and more open.

No matter how much I cried at the moment during that process, after this process, my mind will become clear. Even if someone complains about me, I can still be unaffected, and I can answer with a smile, I am fine now. ,really good.

I like this kind of change.

5. In 2021, a farewell or an encounter you experienced

 This year, I cut off more than 30 cm of long hair. To be honest, I haven't seen my short hair for several years. The moment I saw it, I was very flustered. I felt scared, because the me in the mirror was no longer me, and what was even more terrifying was that the me opposite was not what I imagined it to be, it was extremely strange.

However, when I stuffed the hair to be donated into the envelope and was about to take it to the post office for mailing, when I picked up the envelope, I realized that the heavy weight was actually a part of me, and I was inexplicable in my heart. It also makes sense that these hairs will be part of someone else in the future! Farewell is sad, but beautiful.

6. How has your relationship with your body changed since last year? Do you like your current body more?

 Semi-annual breast ultrasound, abdominal ultrasound and mammography always make people nervous and anxious, but as long as you can confirm that your body is still healthy and safe, no matter how scared you are, you have to return to the doctor obediently.

However, this year, I can feel the traces of time on my body more and more. I used to think about how to fight aging and how to get back a young body, but after a year of hard work, it doesn't seem to be getting any better. , After watching it for a long time, I gradually got used to the self who is no longer young.

7. Share with us a good book, a good movie or a good song you meet in 2021

 I borrowed the DVD of "Light in the Snow" from the library. It is a documentary about the children of the Nibel tribe returning to their hometowns. The film also recorded the momentary scene of the earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 in Nepal. Parents of remote tribes send their 4 or 5-year-old children to study at "Light of the Snow" in the capital Kathmandu for the sake of their children's future. Because of the long distance, some children have not been home for more than ten years.

At first, I thought it would be easy to go home, but after watching the film, I realized that they had to walk for several days before they could return to their tribe. One of them had to walk for 15 days to return home, and a single trip of 15 God, it's hard work thinking about it.

At first, these children wondered why their parents didn't come to see them. It took a few days to get home, only to realize that the journey was too long and hard, and they finally understood that their parents wanted them to have a better future. That's why they were sent to the distant capital city at a young age.

The most heart-wrenching thing is that a child prepared a gift for his father and finally returned home, only to find that his father had long since left, leaving him speechless for several times.......

Although I didn't see the majestic snow scene I imagined, in my heart, this is a good movie that moves people.

8. Share a moment that meant a lot to you in 2021 with a single photo.

Persistence in morning exercise on the last day of 2021.

9. Please fill in the blank: 2021, _____ matters

 2021, Free from matters.

Only here can you write freely!

10. (This question is left to you, please ask yourself a soul question, and then write down your answer)

 Question: What are you afraid of?

A: I am not afraid, I am just used to lying in my comfort zone. Well, in 2022, I will go out.

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