A novice in the currency circle, the price of the currency will fall when you buy it

Every crash happened in the middle of the night after I bought the coin, and it was an inverse indicator of Bitcoin at all...

A novice in the currency circle, the price of the currency will fall when you buy it

A while ago, with the slump of Bitcoin, other various currencies also fell accordingly, and it was a good coincidence that it happened in the middle of the night after I bought the coins . It plummeted by as much as 10%, and the book value instantly decreased a lot.

Many people will think that the timing of my purchase is wrong. From a technical point of view, it is indeed a bearish trend in the short term, but I chose to buy because I just got to know a certain virtual currency at that time. After reading the white paper and future vision of the project, I believed that it has great potential for development in the long run, so I decided to buy it, and I did not choose to enter the market at a low price.

Deposit coins, not profit from spreads

Although it seems that my fortune is not good, and I don't pick the time to enter the market, I keep my funds at a high point. When I see the account, I will regret buying coins too early. If I enter the market later, not only can I get a bargain , and can hold a larger amount of the target currency, but I finally saw it. After all, my ultimate goal is to hold the currency and gradually accumulate a certain amount .

And to be honest, I personally probably won’t sell any virtual currency, just like depositing stocks or holding gold, it will only increase the total number and not decrease, so the rise and fall of the currency value itself is not really important, I at most I will only look at the net book value and sigh the volatility of virtual currency. After all, as a currency circle person, we all understand that virtual currency is just like that. It fluctuates more than stocks. The atmosphere changes.

Pledge to increase the amount of currency

Since my goal is to deposit coins and not buy or sell coins, how do I accumulate quantities?

Generally, people who deposit coins may adopt the method of buying low and selling high to increase the net book value , and when the currency value is low, buy a larger amount of currency and continue to use the snowball method to increase the inventory.

This mode of operation seems simple and reasonable, and many people also use this strategy to operate the stock market, using a fixed principal with interest and rolling out larger funds.

At the beginning, I also planned to use this model to operate virtual currency, but later I thought about it, why my stocks did not operate in this way, but the investment target was moved to the blockchain, but it was bold, probably because the investment funds were relatively much less, Such a speculative mentality thinks that the big deal is just to lose a small amount of money, and the profit may be dozens of times more.

In the end, I adjusted my mentality. Originally, I did not enter the blockchain for huge profits. I was just curious about how this special technology could develop and how it could change the current human world. So I finally decided to stake on the Binance exchange. currency held.

In the process of staking, I found a special feature of staking (although everyone should know it, but I didn't think too much about it), which is different from buying stocks with cash, and staking with the invested currency (I believe everyone sees it) At this point, I must have turned my eyes over. Isn’t this basic common sense? Wait until you read the article first), which is equivalent to the allotment mechanism of stocks. Not only does it not have to sell the currency originally held to lock in profits, but it can also pledge The reward obtained, that is, the currency itself is put into the pledge pool again, and the interest is calculated every day, which is equivalent to accelerating the accumulation with the compound interest effect.

At first glance, staking is an old-fashioned common sense in the currency circle, and the reward is not the best, but from another perspective, in fact, for investors who have a currency deposit strategy, this is a very good operation mode, and there is no need to worry about currency prices. Considering the timing of buying and selling, even the profit is directly invested in the currency, as long as you put it into the currency pool at the beginning, and then occasionally receive the income.


The above are just my operating strategies, and they are definitely not the best investment methods, but we investors do not just want to make good use of the existing investment tools and match the operating mode that best suits your personality. If you are also a depositor, you can try Try this approach and mentality, or if you have other better investment skills, please leave a message and tell me, so that as a novice in the currency circle, I can learn more about virtual currency.


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想著退休的新鮮人從零開始學理財 什麼都不懂的我們,初出社會,被現實的世界牽著鼻子走,埋頭工作只求溫飽,但我們渴望掌握人生,追尋夢想,於是,讓自己從工作退休是我們的第一目標
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