Matters Passes on Love | Helping these children ~ the dream of "Huadong 8-Day Hiking"

We need your help, whether it is to accompany volunteers, materials, or donations. Let us achieve the grand tour of this group of young brave feet: Huadong's dream of hiking 144.4 kilometers on the 8th.
Image source: drawn by Brother Stone; photo provided by Green Light Seed Classroom Image source

Matters Passes on Love|Help these little brave feet to achieve the dream of "Huadong 8th Hiking"


Good day, my friend, I am Brother Stone - your career mentor . First of all, I will report the news from Teacher Wanji (ㄧˋ) of "Green Light Seed Classroom". The two Green Light Seed graduates were unable to hold their school graduation trip due to the epidemic. Therefore, this "Green Light Graduation Tour" It is very exciting for the children. Thanks to kind-hearted people from all walks of life for their help, the "Green Light Seed Classroom" - a camp for middle school classes and a graduation challenge camp for elementary school classes, allows children to experience high-altitude experiences and train them to break through difficulties and work as a team. I also experienced the challenge of setting up a tent for a picnic, tracing the river, sharing my feelings and gratitude in the starry night, and making a good memory for the graduation season in this epidemic.

A person with self-confidence can turn the small into the great and the mediocre into the miraculous. - Bernard Shaw

Due to the influence of their family background, the children of Green Light Seeds generally have low achievement and low self-esteem, so it is very difficult to obtain a sense of achievement in their academic performance. Volunteer teachers let children gradually achieve challenges through design. This is the daily task of volunteer teachers. Through the achievement of tasks and praise from teachers, we hope that children can gradually build up their self-confidence. Moreover, regularly participating in activities that impress children will quickly catalyze the building of children's self-confidence, actively encourage participation in outdoor activities, and also allow this group of children who will enter adolescence to obtain positive sensory stimulation and reduce the probability of 3C addiction.

[I need you to help him: let Xiaoyong step out and challenge Huadong's dream of hiking 144.4 km]

First, the purpose:

The fourth and fifth grade students of elementary school who are about to enter the upper grades decided to arrange a "devil-level mental test" in "Green Light Seed Classroom" after heated discussions by the volunteer teachers and students — 8 of Huadong 144.4 km Hiking every day, hone the child's character, and cultivate the child's tenacity and will not give up in death.

2. Date and time of start and end:

2-1. Estimated start and end dates: 7/24 ~ 8/1 (the first and last days are the time of traffic movement)
2-2. Estimated number of kilometers: about 150 kilometers in total.
2-3. Training dates before departure: 7/7, 7/16, 7/18, 7/19

3. Solicitation: Accompanying volunteers x5:

At present, I would like to thank the "Reversal Alliance" for their full assistance (and I would like to thank them here), but Mr. Wang of Green Light Seeds still expects young volunteers, professionals, and even friends who drive to accompany them to give encouragement; participate in photography to capture the tenacity of each child , these are what we so desperately desire. (ps. Local friends in Huadong are also welcome to help)

ps. " Reversal Alliance Association" is jointly initiated by: North-Dream House, China-Forest Students Foundation, South-Flying Association, Taitung-Children's Bookstore.

For you, it may be a big effort, and for the children, it may be the first time in his life that he has participated so bravely in the "Devil-level Mind Test" and challenged himself. Brother Shitou's "Class Auxiliary Volunteer Resource Integration Platform" inquires about Teacher Wang's phone number.

✅Contact Green Light Seed Hotline: Teacher Wang Wanjie (ㄧˋ): Because the website is not suitable for placement, please link: Brother Shitou's "Volunteer Resources Integration Platform for Lessons"

Image source: drawn by Brother Shishi; photos provided by Green Light Seed Classroom

4. Solicitation: Material help:

For the children's feats and aspirations, most of their families are helpless, so Brother Stone is willing to stand up and wave the flag. I need your assistance. The relevant materials are as follows:
4-1. Fisherman hat;
4-2. Sleeves;
4-3. Water bag;
4-4. Others: Since Brother Shitou has not gone on such a long trek, all other materials that you think you will need will be accepted.

Look deep into your own heart, and then discover that all the miracles are in you. - Bacon

5. Solicitation: Charitable donations:

We invite you to take part in the children's growth journey with practical actions.
🍁5-1. The special account of "Green Light Seed Classroom" has regular quotas to become the backing of children

🍁5-2. Your cup of 55 dollars in American style is an opportunity for disadvantaged children to turn their fates ↓↓↓

🍁Single time, click me to open the link directly 🔗: I am willing to "Coffee for Public Welfare" and support Brother Stone!

6. Stone brother took the lead in attracting jade, donating: 5,697 yuan

At present, Brother Shitou has compiled the 2022 Q2 (April to June) platform article "Creation to Public Welfare": NT$5,697, and it is the first to attract others. I hope that all circles will donate generously. (ps. Q2 earnings of text creation will be announced separately).
✅2022 Q2 "Donation" text creation to public welfare: NT$5,697; cumulative donation: 40,210 yuan

Image source: drawn by Brother Shishi; photos provided by Green Light Seed Classroom

🔥"A Cup of Coffee for Public Welfare" small donation: "Lawyer Shengyun" will be invited to check the details of the website; the Green Light Seed Classroom "Wanmei Project Manager" will also be opened for confirmation to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

【in conclusion】

I am very happy that everyone's kindness is overflowing, and the graduation challenge camp of the middle and elementary classes of "Green Light Seed Classroom" has been successfully completed. At present, your help is still urgently needed. Let us: give them a hand, and help this group of young and brave children: achieve the dream of "Huadong 8th Hiking" and go out together. Thanks, because of you, let us uphold the spirit of a small flame, continue to burn ourselves, and cheer, because I believe:

One day, when my expression can penetrate your heart, I will be able to connect hundreds of thousands of small fires, ignite a roaring campfire in the dark, and let more disadvantaged children receive free after-school lessons. Tutoring.

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

石頭哥#傑出校友 #家扶認養人 #元智大學 #企業導師 #志工社長 #創作捐公益 /累積188,016元 #公益 #化讚賞為偏鄉弱勢孩童的光 #訴訟擔當 兒 聲昀律師 筑庭律師 #職場 | 職人引路,如風助翼 #靜心 | 覺察當下,滿室芬芳 #幸福 | 簡約生活,無心而為
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