[Beauty of Calligraphy] "Meet You" by Li Yu in the Southern Tang Dynasty of the Five Dynasties


"Meet You" Lin Hua thanks Chunhong

Meet Li Yu in the Five Dynasties Southern Tang Dynasty

Lin Hua thanked Chunhong for being in a hurry.

In desperation, the cold wind comes at night.

Rouge tears, stay drunk, when will it be heavy?

Self-righteous people grow and hate water and grow east


The red flowers in the woods have already withered, and the flowers are blooming and falling. How long does it take to go? It's too hasty. It is also helpless, how can the flowers withstand the devastation of the desolate wind, cold and rain day and night?

The red flowers that fell all over the ground were drenched by the rain, like the rouge on the cheeks of the beauty, and the tears were flowing. Huaer and Lianhuaren are nostalgic for each other and are intoxicated. When will they meet again? Life has always been full of hateful things, just like the dying river, which never stops and never ends.


⑴Meeting each other happily: It was originally the name of Tang Jiaofang's song, and later used as the name of the word brand . Also known as "Black Night" and "Autumn Night Moon"...

Watching Jiang Xun write "Feeling Song Poetry"

Li Houzhu is the king of the subjugated country, who is criticized and criticized. Culturally, without Li Houzhu, there may be no Song Dynasty's words.

Because of the misplacement of fate

In "Meet You", Empress Li is not only writing about herself, but also about the state of life from prosperity to disillusionment.

"Cold rain in the morning" and "wind in the evening", the luxurious life is faced with huge external setbacks. Under the constant blow, where should my life go?

"Rouge tears, keep people drunk" He is still affectionately nostalgic, "red" and "drunk" form an image. Then again from prosperity to disillusionment .

"Naturally people grow and hate water and grow east", this mighty river is like raging tears, all homesickness.

Sharing the beginning of Song Ci, Houzhu Li's "Happy Meeting", and today's calligraphy practice.


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