Hit the jackpot! My unique Travellogger

Take part in Matters' Travelloggers airdrop and win!

Take part in Matters' Travelloggers airdrop and win!

The chosen Travellogger number is #539 .

After beating for a long time, he finally calmed down and showed the following true body.

#539 Travellogger

Character Traits: A compassionate, pragmatist Zhenya

Just a compassionate, pragmatic Zhenya!

According to Matty's design , 1,500 Travelloggers have 1,500 independent characteristics, which are derived from the different value positions, philosophical propositions, temperaments and thinking styles displayed by Matters' creators or community users.

Therefore, #539 represents Chuanlin's personality and image in Matters, that is, it has some similarities to other friends, but also has its own unique characteristics, I feel magically similar!

Among them, Zhenya Zhenya's main characters are:

Image credit: Matty
Race: Zhenya Zhenya
Russian version and original name: ??? (Russian and original name do not know how to write and read XD)
Original name: noble
Night owls, sensitive and imaginative, are easily moved by beautiful things, and are often immersed in their own spiritual world. I don't like being interrupted when I'm in a daze.

Ha, mostly accurate! !

In terms of the unique characteristics of Matters, there is [Thinking and Behavior Characteristics]: perception.

Image credit: Matty

#539 Like the doll in the picture, it seems to be spitting something out of the mouth, probably what is in my heart! (If not, please help Matty to correct it><). Chuanlin's creative articles are often based on the perception of people and things, so obviously he is a perceptive person!

On the other hand, #539 wears a pragmatic hat, which means that he wears Lin Zai Matters's [philosophical proposition].

Image credit: Matty

Due to the coarse grain of the image, there may be undiscovered character traits, which are left to be discovered in the future.

In addition, Google 539, and Jincai 539 appeared!

 Jincai 539 is a lottery game, you must choose 5 numbers from 01~39 to bet. When the lottery is drawn, the lottery unit will randomly draw out five numbers. This group of numbers is the winning number of this issue of Jincai 539, also known as the "prize number". Among your five selections, if more than two (including two numbers) match the five numbers drawn in the current period, it is a winning prize, and the bonus can be redeemed according to the regulations.
Source: Taiwan Lottery https://www.taiwanlottery.com.tw/dailycash/index.asp

The result of this airdrop is really like winning the lottery! !

Finally, talk about the feeling of winning the airdrop.

In addition to creating creations in Matt Market, through the promotion and introduction of friends, I have learned many new things of the new generation, such as virtual currencies, including Likecoin; opened electronic wallets, such as Keplr, MetaMask; Friends donate works. This time, Matters' Travellogger, I feel that creation has stepped into the field of electronic virtual world. Things in reality are constantly more magical, exciting and sci-fi than the content of creative ideas. In the future, we must study and absorb new knowledge. , so that the creation cannot keep up with the Matt universe.

Thanks Matters!

Thank you to those who wrote earlier about how to participate in this airdrop!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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