Sign at work? Don't sign?

At work in the company, when you need to sign from time to time, you don’t have to think about a few words, and you can write them in a few seconds. However, it is the best rule to sign a valuable name after carefully considering the meaning behind it and the responsibilities it bears.
At work in the company, when you need to sign from time to time, you don’t have to think about a few words, and you can write them in a few seconds. However, it is the best rule to sign a valuable name after carefully considering the meaning behind it and the responsibilities it bears.

A colleague asked me to sign

When I first arrived at the company, the senior purchased a piece of equipment and wanted someone to fill in the point-of-receiver field of the purchase requisition. When I saw that I had nothing to do, he came to me to sign. I didn't even think about it at the time, so I just signed my name. The reaction speed was so fast that my seniors couldn't believe it: this person doesn't even have to think about it. ? As a rookie, I thought to myself: Because I am a senior, I should sign for him. Fortunately, that senior is not a bad person, the amount of the item requested is not large, and the thing is really in hand. After this wake-up call, when I encounter requisition-related matters, I will not sign too casually. If the amount is relatively large, I will ask the supervisor to discuss it first. Otherwise, it will be a shame if you can't find something...

handover please sign me

The second time I encountered a more important signature occasion in the company was to do a job handover with a senior. All equipment and related duties need to be handed over item by item and recorded and signed by both parties. At that time, I was already very cautious. I had checked all the equipment, and learned everything I needed to learn. The only thing missing was one piece of equipment. I replaced it with spare parts at that time and took it to other colleagues to report for repair, but related work It's all handled by seniors. Just before I was about to leave, there was a problem with the accessory again. The supervisor asked about it. I have a vague memory. After making a circle, the colleague who still repaired it has not taken it away, and it was a false alarm. Fortunately, I found it in the end, otherwise it would be embarrassing to leave.

resignation looking for someone to sign

The last time was on the eve of my resignation. I was instructed to do a good job in the handover of various administrative affairs, instrument maintenance and experimental skills, and to make an electronic file and classify it, and hand it over to the next colleague who replaced me. I did it very carefully, and I was afraid that the people in the future would not be able to do it, or would have to take more detours. When handing over things, I tried to explain them clearly. Finally, when I asked my colleague to sign and hand over the order, he signed his name without hesitation, and did not doubt whether the report I made was complete enough, just like I was a rookie when I first joined the company. If I want to resign, of course I can leave the company hastily, but when the time comes to repay the grievances, if one person is harmed, he will only harm the next person. I only hope that the younger generation can continue to prepare more complete information for the benefit of others.


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JimJKC歐洲 | 比利時 | 留學 | 生活分享
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