Dr Chung was forced to leave Hong Kong he loved


[Latest] National Security Law for Hong Kong Area | Zhong Jianhua, Deputy CEO of Minyan Research Institute, left Hong Kong to go to the UK and blew himself up and was interviewed for "Hong Kong cannot tolerate sincere words"

Zhong Jianhua, the deputy chief executive of the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute, left Hong Kong for the UK on Sunday (24th). Details. As for whether the Hong Kong People's Research Institute will continue to operate, he said that it will be announced by Zhong Tingyao, the chairman and chief executive of the Hong Kong People's Research Institute.

As for the reason for being interviewed by the police about whether to leave Hong Kong, Zhong Jianhua has explained on the social networking site fb, describing the departure as "avoiding Qin". He pointed out that the police interviews were not one or a half times, and Ou Jialin did it all. Many people were worried about his safety, but they still aimed to return to Hong Kong.

Zhong Jianhua announced the news of his departure from Hong Kong on FB. The title of the article was "I don't want to be a deserter, but I have to avoid Qin." Live free from intimidation in Hong Kong. He mentioned that he has always insisted on living a normal life without being dominated by fear, but he was very disappointed and angry when he caused harassment and intimidation, and criticized the public authority for the private use of public tools.

He said that he did not want to worry his elderly parents, relatives and friends who loved and cared for him, so he left without saying goodbye and was sorry. He also lamented that the rule-of-law system and the guarantee of democracy and freedom established by the British in Hong Kong have now become "tomorrow's flowers".

Zhong Jianhua did not clearly explain his work in the UK, but said he was still willing to do his best and hoped to continue to do what he had been doing.

Zhong Jianhua was an assistant professor in the Department of Applied Social Sciences of PolyU. After retiring in 2020, he served as the deputy chief executive of the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute founded by Zhong Tingyao. After the legislation of the "Hong Kong National Security Law", he still commented on social current affairs.

In the pro-democracy primary election the previous year, the Hong Kong Institute for Public Opinion was entrusted by the Democratic Dynamics to assist in the holding of the primary vote. The office in Wong Chuk Hang was searched by the National Security Agency of the police.


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