Being Included in the Mystery of Life - My Tantra Journey


In 2015, I joined Tantra's group for the first time. From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, there is a strong transformational energy for me. The journey of life has just come to a turning point. Tantra is just for all the happenings in this year. I had a very shocking ending. I originally wrote a lot of plots... But when I look back, I feel that Tantra is actually life itself, and it is not just love and sex or relationships. Choi's tool to fix that stuck, twisted or stuck part.. and let life continue to flow smoothly~

Tantra is a real inner journey, especially in a tantra group class, where all that happens is so immediate and sincere, and students who go through a tantra group together are like comrades in a battle together, in real energy. We were born and died together in our exploration, and we all witnessed the deep and vulnerable parts of each other's lives in the same group...there was a revolutionary feeling.

Everything you repressed will be revealed in class, it's a high-intensity group, but it's from the heart chakra, there's a deep atmosphere of acceptance, surrounded by tender love, Homer and Muktor are It supports you here to be honest with your desires and fears, to point out the core questions for you, to see yourself through this situation, and to allow and accept yourself.

Allow chaos, allow uncertainty, allow embarrassment, allow embarrassment, allow imperfection... The best thing about tantra is that through these permits, you have enough space to face the darkness and fall in love with yourself again, all you need to do is relax in yourself. .Watching the energy pass through~sometimes stormy~sometimes sullen and negative...but so what, after everyone passes through this...the faces are glowing, all so beautiful~

After these years of tantra baptism, what have I gained? It can only be said that it is too "abundant". This is the result of the continuous activation and stirring of huge energy... I have grown and become more and more "abundant". In fact, I just returned to myself, the center, and the original In the self-sufficient nature.

If you want to give yourself this great gift too: Homer and Mukdo Tantra group information at the end of the year

Tantra Retreat 2020



Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

恩典塔羅恩典塔羅Charis Tarot 【0955 467 683 台北市忠孝東路四段97號2F-12】 位於台北東區頂好名店城二樓,提供塔羅占卜、個案諮詢的店面,由一群對生命說是,對真實感受負責的人組成,透過各種靈性工具,幫助需要的人開始向內走,發現對自已、生命的愛
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0號平衡油 瓶子的名稱:靈性解救瓶

