Nostalgic Collection of Young "Old Cake" - Vinyl Record


When I first came to Matters, I mentioned my "old cake" habit - listening to LPs (vinyl records). After a few months, I have not replaced the broken LP machine, and most of the LPs I have collected are also put in the box for sealing. There are only two LPs that I have always been reluctant to put away and put them on the case.

"Lin Zixiang's Best Original Soundtrack" on the left is the first LP I bought myself. No mistake, I only listened to the collections at home when I was a child, and when I grew up, I became one of the buyers. Speaking of Lin Zixiang , he is probably the most favorite among all Chinese and Cantonese singers I have ever heard. Both slow and fast songs can be performed perfectly, and the more you scrutinize the first song, the more you can understand the aftertaste. I have also counted my eight favorite songs . It is a pity that I was not born in his most "dignified" era. Lin Zixiang , who has passed his old age, has very few new works (even cover works). I really envy the fans who grew up in the 1980s!

As for the one on the right, it's the original soundtrack of "The Sound of Music" in the family's collection. To be honest, I never took the initiative to listen to it when I was a child. At that time, I really had no interest in English musicals. The first time I really listened to it was after I met my girlfriend and was influenced by her preference for musicals, which pushed me to take the initiative. It can also be said that without her, I definitely missed a very valuable part - both musically and emotionally. Now in the days after her death, the role of this album is more to miss the happy days of the past and miss her...

Speaking of LPs, I have to mention a habit that comes with listening to LPs: the first time I listened to any album, I never fast-forwarded or skipped a track. When listening to an LP, if you want to skip to the next song, you have to take the trouble to lift the stylus of the LP player, carefully look for the blank marks between the songs on the LP disc, and then gently put the stylus back on the LP disc. The corresponding position of the ... sounds like a hassle, of course, the cassette tape (another listening tool of childhood) is even more so. Therefore, since I was a child, I have always listened to an album in its entirety. Even with the development of technology, I have already transferred the way of listening to music to online streaming platforms such as Apple Music and Spotify, but the habit has never changed.

It seems that I am really an "old cake" (laughs).

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