A kind monk | What kind of Bazi Fate is more kind | Bazi Teaching Master Xuan Shen


A kind monk | What Bazi Fate is more kind | Bazi Teaching

Once upon a time when a monk was meditating by the river, he heard the sound of struggle. When I opened my eyes, I saw that there was a scorpion struggling in the water. He reached out and fished it up, only to be stung by the stinger that the scorpion had erected. He put the scorpion on the shore and continued to meditate.

After a while, he heard the sound of struggling again, opened his eyes and saw that the scorpion fell into the water again. He rescued it again, and of course was stung again. He continued to meditate. After a while, he had the same misfortune again. The fisherman next to him said: "You are so stupid, don't you know that scorpions can sting people?" Monk: "Yes, I have been stung three times by it." Fisherman: "Then why do you still save it?" Its nature, just as compassion is my nature. My nature does not change because of its nature.”

At this time, he heard struggling voices again. At first glance, it was still the scorpion. He looked at his swollen hand, at the scorpion struggling in the water, and without hesitation he reached out to it again. Then the fisherman handed him a dry branch. Zen practitioners use this branch to pick up the scorpion and put it on the shore. The fisherman smiled and said, "Compassion is right. You must be compassionate to the scorpion as well as yourself. Therefore, compassion must be a means of compassion."

In fact, I like this story very much, because it reminds me of a saying that people often say: "It's hard to be a good person in these days." To protect yourself is the right to treat others well. It is the nature of the monk in the story to do good deeds. But the object of good deeds is not necessarily good; the result of good deeds is not necessarily a perfect ending. Why is this so? As the fisherman said, mercy must have the means of mercy. It is right to be merciful to others, but it is necessary to be merciful to the scorpion as well as to be merciful to yourself. "It's actually us reminding ourselves that we have to be responsible to ourselves first before we can truly be responsible to others. If you are a person who can't even take care of yourself, how can you take care of others? Only by protecting yourself can you be qualified and able to treat others kindly.

Don't let the evil of others affect your good. Not because of the other person's words and deeds, affect our mood or behavior. The wise man controls all his own emotions; the foolish man controls his own emotions by the words and deeds of others. Don't give up the good side of yourself because of the evil side of others. Open a door for others, and others will leave a window for you. Treating all things with kindness is actually treating yourself with kindness and leaving a way for others to walk. road. American writer Henry David Thoreau once said that kindness is an investment that never fails. After reading this sentence, I have a little thought to share with you.

Watching the current situation rise and fall, always have a good heart. Be humble and plain at the height of the temple, and face it calmly when you are far away from the mountains and fields. Respect every life, don’t take things as joy and don’t feel sorry for yourself, and respect others with an attitude of respecting yourself. In times of good times, he will not speak ill or be mad or act madly, and keep his heart and be prepared for danger; in times of adversity, he will neither be humble nor arrogant, and maintain an independent personality. Regardless of the peaks and troughs, there are always helping hands. Good deeds are like seeds that will germinate one day.

In fact, we can analyze whether the person's fate is kind or not through the date of birth, the date of birth, and the eight characters of the four pillars.

There are three common horoscopes with good nature. First of all, we can download the horoscope app called Lun Bazi, and then enter our birth date. If you don't know your birth time, you can randomly type an hour first. . After formulating your horoscope, you will see four celestial stems and four terrestrial branches. The eight characters are your horoscope. Then we need to focus on the sun pillar and the moon pillar. The terrestrial branches of the celestial stem and the moon column correspond to the following table, to find our pattern of the ten gods, the ten gods are actually divided into ten types.

shoulder to shoulder

robbery (robbery)

God of Cookery (food)

wounded officer

Zhengcai (wealth)

partial wealth (talent)

official (official)

Seven kills (kill)

Positive print (print)

partial print (owl)

These ten patterns

Among them, only the pattern of the positive seal represents goodness. What is the seal or the positive seal? According to the records of ancient books, the sealer is the seal. The seal is the seal of the emperor. It represents power, status, studies, academics, career, reputation, longevity and even houses, articles, documents, elders, etc. As far as its nature is concerned, it represents kindness, honesty, intelligence, stability, and practicality. You can use the following table, according to your own horoscope, the celestial stem of the sun pillar and the earthly branch of the moon pillar, from which you can find out what ten gods pattern your own horoscope belongs to according to the position of the cross in this table, and among them there are In ten cases, according to your Sun Pillar and Moon Pillar and Earthly Branch, you will get a positive seal.


Sun Pillar Tianganjia was born in Moon Pillar Dizhizi month

Sun Pillar Tian Gan Yi was born in Moon Pillar Earth Branch Hai month

Sun Pillar Tiangan Bing was born in the Moon Pillar Earthly Branches

The Sun Pillar Tiangan Ding is born in the Moon Pillar Earthly Branch Yinyue

Sun Pillar Tian Gan Wu Born in Moon Pillar Earth Branch Noon Moon

Sun Pillar, Heavenly Stem, Born in Moon Pillar, Earth Branch, Moon Pillar

Sun Pillar Tian Gan Geng was born in the first month of the Moon Pillar and Earthly Branches

The Sun Pillar Tiangan Xin was born in the Moon Pillar Earthly Branches Guarding Moon

The Sun Pillar Tian Gan Ren was born in the Moon Pillar Earth Branch You Moon

Sun Pillar Tian Gan Gui was born in Moon Pillar Earth Branch Shen month

In the above ten cases, you will get a positive seal in the table. To give a quick example, in the following picture you will see the eight characters, the sun column is the celestial branch, and the moon column is si, from this table you can calculate Si, where you meet, you will get the eight-character destiny grid, which is actually the positive seal grid. If you are using this eight-character layout app, in fact, in the upper right corner of the si, you will see the word "yin", which also means that this pattern is the positive seal of the ten gods.

Actually why? If you come to the conclusion that your own zodiac pattern is positive seal pattern, it means that your own destiny is kind .

First of all, according to the arrangement and combination of the positive seal grid, you will find that in fact, in the five elements, you will find that the positive seal grid is the five elements of the moon column, the earthly branch, the five elements of the heavenly stem, and the sun column. For example, the Sun Pillar Tianganjia is born in the Earthly Branch Moon of the Moon Pillar, and the five elements of the Moon Pillar and the Earthly Branching Moon belong to water, and the five elements of the Sun Pillar Tianganjia belong to the wood. Pillar of dry armor.

And another example, the Tiangangeng of the sun pillar was born in the terrestrial branch of the moon pillar, and you will find that the five elements of the sun pillar Tiangangeng belong to gold, and the five elements of the earthly branch of the moon pillar belong to earth. Fortunately, the earthly branch of the moon pillar does not belong to the moon. The Five Elements Earth is the Five Elements Gold of Tian Gan Geng, who bears the Sun Pillar. In the same situation, you will find that, in fact, the five elements of the Earthly Branch of the same Moon Pillar give birth to the Five Elements of the Heavenly Stems of the Sun Pillar.

In terms of layout, Zhengyinge means mother, and mother will give birth to her children in nature, and in the layout of ten gods, Zhengyin represents kindness and compassion like a mother, caring, honest and responsive. real meaning. In addition, it also represents good intentions. So if your own horoscope, from the table above, you can find that your destiny is positive, then as the name suggests, the month of your birth is a five-element month that will prosper your own sun and sky, from which your own destiny will be determined. There will be a tendency to be a mother, who is naturally kind, compassionate and kind. This is also the meaning of the positive seal on the ten gods.

The second situation is also the tendency of your own horoscope to be kinder , that is, the sun column and the celestial stem are Wu or Ji, and the month of the moon column and earth branch born in it is Hai, Zi, and Chou, which is one of the three months. For example, in the case of this picture, the Tianganwu of the sun column is born in the earthly branch Hai month of the moon column. At this time, you will feel very curious in front of the screen, because according to the ten gods table, the pattern of this pattern itself is the wealth pattern, that is, the partial wealth pattern, obviously not the positive seal pattern, nor the partial seal pattern without the ten gods Including the meaning of , why does the combination of the Sun Pillar and the Moon Pillar Earthly Branch represent a kinder destiny? You have to pay attention to the reasons. The terrestrial branch of the moon is born in the three months of Hai, Zi and Chou, and the three months of Hai, Zi and Chou are actually the coldest and coldest times of our year. In a cold and snowy place, such as the North Pole, what he needs most is a fire, so this fire is also the five elements that he likes to use in this horoscope. For the five elements of fire, such as Sun Pillar, Tian Gan Wu or Ji Tu, the corresponding ten gods are also Yinxing. In other words, if the Five Elements Sun Pillar Tian Ganwu or Ji was born in cold weather, such as Haiyue, Ziyue, and Chouyue, what his destiny needs is a little fire, and it will also represent his positive sign. The five elements of C or D. In this case, we also call it "adjusting the gods with the rear", which means a kind of destiny. If you were born in a time when the weather is cold or hot and the days are like a Buddha, what it needs most is the supplement of the five elements. For example, if It was born when the weather is cold and the earth is cold, and what it needs most is the five elements of fire. If a person is born in a very hot place, for example he was born in Southeast Asia, what he needs most is a water of the five elements, some cold to make his throat comfortable. Therefore, in this case, the celestial stem E of the sun column is born in the earthly branch Hai month of the moon column. Although it does not contain any Yinge or Yinxing, what is most needed is the five elements of fire, that is, Yinxing C or D.

The third situation also means that your horoscope is kinder , just like this case, the sun pillar Tiangan A or B is born in one of the three months of the moon pillar Tiangan already, noon, and no. In this case, you will see that the sun pillar and the celestial stem are the Jia, and the moon pillar is the sub. If according to the table of the Ten Gods, you will conclude that his pattern is the God-eating God, and there is no positive seal or seal in it, so why does this pattern also mean that its eight characters are kinder? It is not difficult for you to find out that the sun-pillar Tiangan A or B, if you were born in the moon-pillar Tiangan already, noon, or not, in fact, these three months also represent the hottest months of the year. Suppose your own horoscope was born at a very hot time, just like being born in a desert. What you need most is not wealth or status, but a glass of water, so this kind of fate is born in the past. In the very hot months before the afternoon, what he needs most is the Five Elements Water, that is, his Yinxingren Water or Gui Water. Also in this case, although the month of his birth is not a positive sign or a partial sign, which is the kinder month in the horoscope, but because his life is too hot, what he needs is a little water, That is, if Gemu is the master, what he needs is Renshui or Guishui. This situation is like being born in a desert, and what he needs is his mother's water, that is, his mother represents his destiny. 's star print.

Therefore, in the above two cases, although this situation is not born in the month of Yinge, it does not require the assistance of Yinxing in his hits. Therefore, when he was born, this life style represents his DNA, horoscope. The natal chart already contains kindness, but it doesn't matter whether your own horoscope is born with kindness, or whether your zodiac does not have a positive star or any star, it doesn't matter, because the most important thing is. Good deeds are like seeds. As long as you do good deeds every day, there will always be a day of germination and growth. Only good deeds can accumulate our blessings and gradually improve our luck.

I am Master Xuan Shen, and you will see me giving a free divination service on the link . If you are worried about your own luck or recently, you can solve it through this free divination solution. I'll also be giving away an additional eBook that will boost your personal luck. A teaching course that can teach you to see your own horoscope without asking for help. Within 30 days, I will see your own horoscope with you, go to your own action plan to help you set up feng shui, teach you to measure the feng shui orientation of your own building for free, and improve your feng shui fortune teaching e-book . All you need to do is click the link below, leave your own email in it, and I'll send you this series of free information emails .

Source: https://www.mastermysan.com/fortune-telling/kindnesspers


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