The 311 earthquake in Japan in 2011

The 311 earthquake in Fukushima, Japan in 2011, it has been 11 years in a blink of an eye, and I will never forget the houses drifting in the Pacific Ocean, and at 2:46 pm, the shock fell and fell to pieces in front of my eyes. Since then, the second hand The unmoved wall clock... After a long time, I read this article again today, and I suddenly cried. Human life is so small and fragile that it is so sad...

Author Little Sun's Star and Heart

Every time there is an earthquake near Fukushima, Japan, my brain cells will be rearranged, my brain nerves will be reshuffled, and some things that I haven’t thought of for a long time will suddenly come to my mind.

Some things, I don't forget, I just tell myself, don't think about it...

311 earthquake

At 2:46 pm in 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake occurred in East Japan, the largest in the history of Japanese observation. At the same time, it caused severe disasters on an epic scale, such as the tsunami and the nuclear power leakage of the Fukushima power plant.

Ten minutes before the earthquake.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, I just came back from grocery shopping with my Japanese doll on my back. My family's Yangping, who just arrived at the time, was a baby who was curious about everything in this world, but could never defeat the temptation of Sandman and milk powder.

Speaking of Yohei, who was a few months old at the time, I had the eyes of a doll, but a Japanese doll with one eyelid was born. Except for the pointy chin like mine, Yang Ping is exactly the same as my old man. He and the old man seem to reproduce asexually, but only come out through my stomach. The power of this gene is really powerful, and children really can't be born indiscriminately. (laugh)

On the day of 311, Yangping was wearing this white bear suit

311 Yangping also wore this on that day. He was wearing a white bear costume and pretended to be a Japanese doll of a bear. Let's call him a little white bear!

I have been wearing a Japanese doll pretending to be a bear. I carried it on my chest. I wanted him to sleep for a while, so I didn't put him down. Later, I never imagined that I would carry it on my back for more than 12 hours.

The TV in the afternoon was broadcasting a boring Congressional question. I sat bored with a white bear on my back. Suddenly, I felt a force on the soles of my feet swaying, and I felt like I was poking up from bottom to top. Although I also came from an earthquake Taiwan is frequent, but this kind of bottom-up earthquake is very little experience for me, and I later learned that it is called a "straight-down earthquake".

The force of the collision from the bottom to the top made me jump straight from the chair. The rumbling rampage chaotically, the next second turned into a huge swaying left and right.

I stood in the middle of the house and didn't even have time to think. I just looked at things in all directions, like a domino effect, falling one after another. First, on my left, the electrical cabinet in the kitchen collapsed, and the TV cabinet in front of me collapsed. Like a landslide, the things I have kept rolling down one by one, the LCD TV swayed like a tumbler, the drawers of the Japanese-style wardrobe behind me, opened and closed automatically, and finally fell down with a bang!

I was stunned. He opened his mouth wide in surprise. I was originally standing, but the shaking was so severe that I couldn't stand at all. I squatted in the center of the room and couldn't move.

My mind was blank and I couldn't think. I instinctively rushed to the only open space on my right, to the balcony, I ran to the balcony, the force plus the reaction force, I was thrown next to the air-conditioning outdoor unit, I wanted to stand up, But I couldn't stand up, so I had to hold on to the air-conditioning outdoor unit.

Later, the old man told me that during an earthquake, you must never go to the balcony, because the balcony is the most fragile structure in the entire building. Where did I think so much at that time, maybe in my subconscious, I would rather fall to death than be crushed to death.

The constant shaking and the degree of vibration, I can only say that if I didn't grasp the railing and became suspended, I would fall directly from the east side of the balcony to the west side of the balcony. The magnitude of the earthquake I suffered was a strong six, which was equivalent to a magnitude seven on the Richter scale at the time.

Japan will have earthquake scale, even if the Himalayas are shaken and collapsed, the highest is only seven.

(Japan has its own set of classification standards for earthquakes, which is different from the commonly used Richter scale)

Japan's earthquake classification scale table, even if it shakes to the Himalayas, it collapses, and the highest is only seven.

The glass aluminum doors and windows of the balcony, which usually feel heavy when I want to open and close, actually slid around in front of me like I was wearing roller skates, opening and closing automatically. I squatted facing the house and saw the glass beside the TV cabinet with my own eyes. The display cabinet fell down in front of me, with a loud noise and a shocking glass waterfall, as if in a disaster movie.

The large floor-to-ceiling aluminum doors and windows in front of me, I don't know what kind of stimulation, made a strange sound when the glass shook, which seemed to announce that it could turn into a floor of glass at any time like the display cabinet in front of me.

aware of death

I have never experienced such a big shake in my life. I was so scared that I closed my eyes, tightened my body, protected the little white bear's head, and whispered timidly, "Old man! Help! My God...! ”, did not dare to shout, for fear that an earthquake would get louder and louder like mine.

There were various sounds in my ears, glass shattering, furniture collapsing, roofs or walls sliding down, and various car alarm bells blaring. time and space.

In the chaotic trance, I heard a sound that I had never heard in my life. It was indescribable. It was as if the steel bar hit the cement, the cement grinds the steel bar, and the steel bar was fighting with the steel bar. The whole house seemed to be divided by Mei Chaofeng. A bone-staggering technique, a cry from the depths of the building.

My ears heard the indescribable, indescribable wailing from the building, and my brain told me in an instant, it's over!

The marquee of life, the turning of the pages of memories, the gratitude of relatives and the repentance of sins are all lies. These are all plots that only appear in movies.

The real situation is that I closed my eyes tightly, tightened my neck, and protected the white bear with my body, my mind was blank,

I'm waiting for the roof to come down.

I just hope that the next moment, when I die, it will not be too painful.

Maybe I called out the names of several gods and Buddhas in a panic, but I didn't even say a prayer.

Like a tight string, no one knows when the next moment will break. At this time, the shaking stops and the earthquake is over.

Level 7 shaking, back and forth, on and off for a total of two minutes and thirty seconds.

My house was strong and the earthquake fought to the end and stood down.

But it's hard to say what would happen if there was another thirty seconds. Human beings are amazing, life and death are a matter of seconds in the sky.

I opened my eyes and found that the earthquake had slashed several times on the wall and ceiling of the balcony, and the frightening cracks recounted the tragic situation of the battle.

It seems like an angry giant has just come to my house, the oven, microwave, thermos and everything are smashed to the ground, the glass display case has been smashed to the ground, I can't see its original appearance, all the contents of the drawer in the sun room The thing was poured out and leaned against the wall. There are broken pieces of glass and all kinds of debris on the ground.

My dog came out of the corner of the house unharmed, wagging his tail at my feet. Seems to be telling me she's fine. After I escaped to the balcony, I forgot about my Agou, where was Agou hiding during the two minutes of shaking? Biologists once said that animals always have the ability to survive by themselves in times of crisis, and it is true.

city hall evacuation

Fear of aftershocks, dare not stay long. He carries a white bear on his chest, Agou in his right hand, and a plastic bag in his left hand, which contains toast and bananas, and the milk powder for the little white bear.

The open space in front of the house has gathered many people who are still in shock and have a lot of discussions. There was an older sister in the crowd who had seen each other several times. She suggested taking refuge at the city hall. I thought the city hall could get hot water for making milk powder, so I agreed to go with her.

On the way, I met a panicked grandma, who said that her pet dog was frightened by the earthquake and rushed out of the door. Normally, I would help her find a dog, but now I can't protect myself, so I can only wave my hand to her.

Many people have gathered in the city hall, which is a small shelter. The people from the city hall kindly poured hot water for the milk powder for the little white bear. He also said that the water was cloudy after the earthquake, but fortunately the thermos did not fall. After the Great Earthquake of Little White Bear, the water was cloudy and there was hot milk powder to drink. I was so lucky.

After the earthquake, the water was cloudy and I couldn’t drink it. The telecommunications was in chaos. It was as if people all over the world were blowing up Japan Telecom. My foldable mobile phone could neither broadcast nor answer, it was like a waste.

The news of the earthquake was broadcast on TV. After the tsunami, the houses in the Sendai Miyagi area drifted in the Pacific Ocean one by one, and then all the way to the east coast of the United States. I was stunned and speechless.

The eldest sister who took refuge with me kindly said that she would help me take care of the little white bear, and told me to put him down! I've only met people a few times. I'm sorry, but I'm also wary. I dodged and said that I would cry when the white bear left, and I just went to the toilet with the little white bear on my back.

Sazai's day room toilet, I just realized that carrying a child to the toilet is a super task. I squatted too low and I was afraid that the child's feet would fall into the toilet. If I didn't squat, I wouldn't be able to get up. I looked at the hook on the toilet door and sighed. I really wanted to hang the little white bear on the door like a bag.

The mobile phone that cannot be used suddenly shows that there are missed calls and messages. Seeing that it was the old man calling, I hurriedly opened the message, but there was no sound from that message, only the sound of empty air ringing endlessly. "ㄏㄨhu..."

I was carrying a white bear, holding a dog, holding a banana and toast, and a silent message stuck in my heart, feeling uneasy.

I told the eldest sister, I want to go home and have a look, maybe my husband is back. She didn't leave me, only said that she was afraid of the aftershocks and would continue to stay in the city hall. I said goodbye to her and walked home alone.

There was no difference between my home and the afternoon when I ran away in panic. It was the same chaos, but the scene changed to night. I was disappointed because the old man was not at home. The city hall's TV was reporting that all the trams had stopped, and maybe he wouldn't be able to go home tonight.

Listlessly sweeping the glass and debris on the floor. Make home a little bit like home, pray with all my heart and wait for the old man to come home, at night, the phone will not work.

The old man is home!

After eight o'clock in the evening, I heard the sound of opening and locking the door, and the old man I was thinking about came back! He came in and we were relieved to see each other!

Hugs and wailing are only scenes in the movie. The real situation is that the old man complained that he was dying of exhaustion after walking for five hours! It's great to see me and Yangping! I said lightly, I went to the city hall in the afternoon and just came back.

We are all hiding our inner fear and anxiety, because we are deeply afraid of the people in front of us. In order to face the unpredictable things that may happen in the next second, we all have to be strong armed. For me, the old man worked hard to go home for five hours. For the old man, I protected Yangping at home alone, which is the proof of the best love for each other.

And just like that, the two ate bananas and toast, and what was in the fridge. Very resigned to tidy up the house until midnight.

The little white bear usually cried and cried and made trouble, but on the day of the earthquake, he was so obedient that he didn't cry or make trouble and let me carry it for more than ten hours. Maybe it was because he heard my heartbeat when I carried it on my chest. Knowing mom, I'm busy escaping!

As for that silent message, it's a mystery that the old man and I don't know yet, even if it's a mysterious product of the telecom chaos!

after the earthquake

After the earthquake, relatives and friends in Taiwan called in to show concern. I always laughed and said, "Oh! I ran around with a white bear on my back that day! Hahahaha...It's nothing! Don't worry!"

The louder I laughed, just to hide how much fear and anxiety I felt inside, I didn't want to worry people.

Looking back and sorting it out now, I find that what I experienced was much more profound and terrifying than I thought. No wonder I mentioned it later and never mentioned it again.

I will never forget the scene when I stood up that day and looked out from the balcony. In front of me was a large Japanese-style single-family house, with damaged roofs, fallen bricks, and collapsed walls, on the street and the air, on the roofs of every house, Braving the ash smoke raised by the earth and sand.

After the earthquake, the water was turbid, the telecommunications was chaotic, the trams were stopped, and the supermarkets chanted empty city plans. The next day I went to the supermarket to buy groceries. The shelves were empty. It was not an exaggeration, but it was too scary. I took pictures at the time, but I can't find them now. You can imagine that there is nothing on the shelves. It seems that It's the same as when a new supermarket has opened before it's on the shelves.

At that time, it was still a baby. Because we were afraid of radiation pollution, we ordered sterilization packaged water from West Japan, and the order lasted for five years. In Yangping's schools, all public places regularly conduct soil pollution testing, and it has been done until now. Although the supermarkets guarantee that everything from Fukushima passes the radiation test, I still have concerns and dare not start.

In this way, ten years later, the little white bear I used to run around on my back has grown into this tall boy with long arms and legs. Every time I see him, there is only infinite gratitude and gratitude to God in my heart.

This long-handed and long-legged bear is the little white bear who escaped.

This long leg is the little white bear from the earthquake that year

On March 11 of that year, I looked at Yangping's apple-like cheeks and sleeping face, and I made a wish to God, no homework, no career, no Daoming Si handsome, no family wealth. it doesn't matter,

Mom I only hope that if

When faced with such a catastrophe again, Yang Ping can use his wisdom and must be the one who survives to the end.

As long as people live, there is hope. I hope that on the day of 311, my strong will and the strength to live will be conveyed to Xiao Xiaoyangping.


Maybe I was too sincere on that 311 day. God heard my wish. The little white bear when he grows up is a person who walks east and west, and everyone eats noodles. Maybe this is the day God heard my prayers and gave him the ability to live to the end! (I can only comfort myself and don't know whether to laugh or cry)


2021.3 Pathfinder

2021.3Yahoo Forum

2022.4 Rewrite and repost in Matt City

For more stories about the little white bear Yangping, please see the linked works below

◎He is not bad, he is my son

◎Our family (3) The story of Momotaro and the mixed-race child of my family


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