SF RES Land August Operating Report


Chiba Doll Chain Node

Node operation:

 At height: 3772657
Number of wallets delegated: 109 (-2)
Total number of Huahuas entrusted: 72,971,619.56HUAHUA (+8,556,833.623HUAHUA)
Validator Rank: 83 (-1)

Commission this month:

 Extraction time: 2/8/2022 1341 UTC
Quantity: 466,361.4599225Huahua
HASH for withdrawing commission: C8D203A7FFAA308E2D651EE13E7CBA5E102D57D8ACB09697F623AA5DCB49AF18
At that time Huahua/USD: 0.00011187

The motion and voting records of the Chiba Doll Chain in August:

Proposal 28: Integration of Liquid Pledge ==> After abstentions are weighed, it is decided to abstain

Motion 29: Another Phishing Attack

Proposal 30: Compensation/Payment Proposal for the DAO of the Chi Doll Community ==> Agreed because the Chi Doll DAO has always worked hard, this request for compensation is far from the original reward for the fall in the currency price.

Motion 31: Another Phishing Attack

Proposal 32: Increase the Minimum Proposal Mortgage Upgrade Proposal ==>Yes

Proposal 33: Increase Minimum Transaction Gas Fee ==> Agree This is a non-binding text proposal. After passing, the validator should increase the minimum gas fee of the node to 1HUAHUA. SF RES Land has completed the adjustment.

Motion 34: Burning Airdop Fund in Phase 2 ==> In favor of the same reasons as Motion 24 .

Three-headed dog chain node

Node operation:

 At height: 2507683
Number of wallets delegated: 78 (+2)
Total number of Cerberus delegated: 102,094,774.8CRBRUS (+14,064,326.84CRBRUS)
Validator Rank: 53 (-1)

Commission this month:

 Extraction time: 2/9/2022 1653 UTC
Quantity: 208,676.613751 CRBRUS
HASH for withdrawing commission: 0014F62018673F3B0CC617C1896129BA92701E12FB0716465F7C3078A06EB627
At that time CRBRUS/USD: 0.00000945

The motion and voting records of the three-headed dog chain in August:

Proposal 13: Establish a Three-Headed Dog DAO ==> Yes

Proposal 14, 15, 17: Election of DAO members ==> Yes

Proposal 16: Hire Lydia Pierce to complete the CosmWasm upgrade that requires authorization ==> Yes
Lydia Pierce is a developer who assisted in the upgrade of the Chi Doll chain, and is also active as a developer of the Chi Doll chain

simple share

The biggest drama of this month is that someone suggested that the three-headed dog should be changed into the contract currency of Chi Doll. However, I don’t think it matters. There are validators who are willing to continue to lose money, and there are also DAOs. Now the three-headed dog chain has become an experimental chain! Mainnet with little value for money…

Chihuahua is doing a lot in the bear market, and more and more contracts will be deployed on the chain. His growth is very exciting.

Because Chihuahua's commission was raised to 10%, it finally didn't have to lose so much.

This time, let's talk quickly. Regarding the vote, if I don't need much explanation, I will announce it directly on Twitter. If the motion is more complicated, I will try my best to write an article to share my views! At present, the main force is the Shiba Doll chain!

Thanks for the support!


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