Matt citizen chatting under the tree|Show your weekend with three photos

Robert, a citizen of Matt, launched a "My Weekend" essay contest. Matty wanted to respond and launched a three-photo check-in essay with the theme of "My Weekend" to let everyone show how you spent your weekend, walking, eating, shopping, hiking, etc. What did you play?

@Robert initiated my weekend essay collection activity , and citizens submitted articles about their visits to stationery exhibitions, reading groups, describing their current happiness, and some also said that they spent time at work.

Coming to the fifth check-in activity, Matty also wanted to respond to this voluntary essay collection activity by citizens and launched "Three Photos Showing Your Weekend". Do you want to express your weekend with photos? Do you go out to play in the hot summer, or do you hide at home? Will you schedule all your activities and interests to the weekend to use up your weekend, or should you just rest and rest? If posting photos is not enough, you can write an article, and then also participate in the weekend essay competition .

Welcome to take photos!
When posting, you can add the tag #Three photos to show my weekend

What's Matty's weekend like~?

One weekend, a friend was leaving Hong Kong and immigrating to the UK. Before leaving, she came to play board games. She lost her profound words and spent the last moment of meeting in Hong Kong with simple games. Kittens also join the fight. In recent years, many people have immigrated, coming and going. I have become accustomed to the absence of some friends, and I cherish the friends who are still in this city even more.

One weekend, I was wandering around in a small shopping mall under a housing estate. There was this decades-old Shanghai barber shop in the alley. Such chairs are rare and there is no decoration. In Hong Kong, which is developing super fast, this is definitely a must-have. "Ancient shop". The barber and the people who came to get my hair cut were my parents-in-law. I wasn’t afraid of getting a haircut in an unfamiliar shop, and I didn’t always patronize a barber shop that was open, so I went in to get my hair cut. Sitting down, I said it should be flat, not layered, just short hair like that of female students in the early Republic of China. He actually cut it off with scissors, cutting it horizontally. It was a very interesting experience.

One weekend, when I was in Taipei, my friend took me to the "Youche River" north of Tamsui. I started from Tamsui and drove for nearly two hours, all the way along the seaside. There were temples, abandoned seaside housing estates, and the dark sea. (Basically invisible), the closed coffee shop on the shore, and Cantonese songs played loudly in the car. To the north is an unknown place. After the unknown, return to the known starting point.

How was your weekend?


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