The Beginning of Chinese Martial Arts|Jet Li and Shaolin Temple

In 1982, the movie "Shaolin Temple" released in mainland China promoted a wave of martial arts training, and also made the Shaolin Temple famous in the world.

The former Shaolin Temple has a history of thousands of years. From a legend that began in the Tang Dynasty, called "Thirteen stick monks save the Tang King", to the expulsion of Japanese Japanese pirates in the Ming Dynasty, and there is a saying that the origin of Chinese martial arts, in the martial arts world, there is a southern Respecting the title of Wudang Beizong Shaolin, it is the two important towns in the Central Plains martial arts. Shaolin is heavy and rigid; Wudang is softer, bringing out the big pattern of the current martial arts.

The first major Shaolin Temple is located in Songshan, one of the famous mountains in China, and the Shaolin Temple is in the Shaoshi Mountain under the Songshan. The Buddhist monks came from India, the holy place of Buddhism. They arrived during the period of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty and opened a Buddhist temple in Songshan to teach the Dharma. Originally, it was just a simple Buddhist place. The practice of martial arts was only for monks to be able to concentrate and persevere when meditating. Therefore, some of the imagined fitness activities were later used to protect their own safety and fight wild animals.

The 1982 film "Shaolin Temple" is based on the legendary "Thirteen Stick Monks Save the Tang King" as the main background. The reason for calling it an unofficial history is that there are still multiple doubts.

Shaolin Temple movies mobilized many young martial arts stars in those years. Mainland China, which had just redeveloped, used many newly cultivated martial arts new stars to participate in film production, which also made today's martial arts development and action film development have an increasingly adaptable improvement.

At that time, Wang Shichong established himself as the emperor of the Zheng Kingdom. At the end of the Sui Dynasty and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Wang Renze (Yu Chenghui), Wang Shichong's concubine, forced a large number of slaves by the river when he built a defense project against the pursuers sent from the imperial court. It is a prisoner, and the people are struggling. Xiaohu (Jet Li) and his father, a martial arts master Shenzuzhang, resisted the tyranny and were attacked by Wang Renze's subordinates. In the end, Shenzuzhang was killed by Wang, while Xiaohu was sent into the river by other slaves and was able to leave. Save your last name.

From here, we can see the excitement of Xiaohu (Jet Li) losing his father, and the anger that he can do nothing, and thus achieve the cause and effect of his diligent practice in order to avenge his father's revenge in the future.

Soon after, the story came to the story that Xiaohu was rescued by Shaolin Tanzong, and he was taken as a disciple and brought back to Shaolin. Xiaohu, who has gradually adapted to the regulations of Shaolin Temple, is struggling between revenge and Buddhist rules. Although he cannot give up his resentment against Wang Renze, he also has a very psychological reflection on the teaching of Shaolin Buddhist regulations to lower grievances.

Li Shimin (King Qin) later crossed the Yellow River east and was besieged by Wang Renze. He felt far-sighted and took Shaolin monks to protect Li Shimin from the siege. Originally, Wang Renze also used this excuse to lead elite soldiers to invade because the Shaolin Temple was a big landlord. Shaolin Temple. It seems that they are indeed a strategic military family, using all excuses to legitimize their behavior, correcting their political behavior as orthodox officers and soldiers, excluding all factors.

Wang Ren entered the Shaolin Temple under the pretext of being betrayed by someone who was collaborating with the enemy, and led the Vulture and other martial arts masters to fight with Shaolin masters. Liao did not expect that at this time, Li Shimin's army captured Luoyang and made a comeback. Wang Shichong's army was retreating again and again. However, surrounded by the two armies, he has lost his previous arrogance. In this war, he was killed by the monk Xiaohu/Jueyuan and his teacher Tanzong, and Xiaohu finally took revenge.

In this battle, we can see the psychological disputes among the monks of the Shaolin Temple. They usually endure as long as they can, but now the enemy is pressing step by step. It is clear that there is nothing wrong, but they invade with an 'unnecessary'. They finally can't bear it. The intruders are self-sufficient, seeing that they are real materials, even if they are easy to deal with people, it does not mean that they are powerless.

Although Yu Chenghui and Yu Hai are important supporting roles in this work, they are still very wonderful performances in the hearts of the audience as masters. The Tanglang boxing of the two masters and apprentices and Master Yu Chenghui's two-handed sword skills are 'overwhelming' - really wonderful .

This family's debut as Jet Li is the beginning of his road to fame. Compared with the various works after that, Jet Li in this work is still young, and his acting skills may still appear young and immature compared to other predecessors, but as his characteristic work , it can still be seen that he has excellent martial arts skills, that real material is not acting! It is the result of hard work.

I personally recommend the Shaolin Temple movie very much, first of all because this movie used many martial arts elites of the year, and also because he, as an ancestor work, brought the first eyeliner of future martial arts and action movies, which is very important for future development. important.

It is also an important work as a cultural export that allows foreigners to come into contact with Chinese Kung Fu for the first time/topics. It makes the Chinese culture begin to export abroad, and it becomes a popular culture, which makes foreigners more familiar with our local culture. It also makes them want to know more about our past history.

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寫作之貓2022 年開始寫作,22 在布里斯托學習歷史, 一個武術家、歷史學家、作家,一個仔細考慮自己未來的人,喜歡享受。 源自亞洲,崛起於歐洲。
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