【My Bird Day at the Royal Building】 28. 921

Mr. Engineer工程先生

On September 20, 1999, Liang Gen built a conference room for a regular monthly meeting.

"The progress of last month is not behind, and everything is proceeding as scheduled." The vice president of the construction plant reported to the supervisors of Lianggen Construction.

"Mr. Lin, is there any problem in obtaining the license?" Liang Dong asked.

"Don Liang, don't worry, after cooperating for so long, there won't be any problems." Mr. Lin of Dingtian Construction replied.

This is a novel written by Mr. Engineering after get off work

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"Okay, it's alright, let's report the next case, you should reach the sixth floor, and quickly calculate the money you should give to the manufacturer, don't owe others money, and also calculate your own management fees, I don't like to owe others. Money." After speaking, Liang Dong continued to preside over the meeting.

"Yes, thank you Liang Dong."

The payment method for construction plants can be divided into monthly pricing or staged pricing. Public works are usually priced on a monthly basis, and private cases are usually priced by stages. In this case, it is also handled in the same way as public works, which are priced on a monthly basis.

In 1999, just before the millennium, the demand for Taiwan's housing market had not yet been filled, and Liang Gen's reputation in northern Taiwan was not bad, so a large number of cases were opened, and many construction plants were commissioned for construction, and most of these construction projects were pre-planned. The sale period is over, and everything is prosperous.

Dingtian is one of Lianggen's cooperating construction factories, mainly undertaking cases in Taoyuan District.

Mr. Lin walked into the public works office to learn about the situation of the Liang Gen Taoyuan case.

"How is it, Director Liu, there is no problem with the progress, I just finished the monthly meeting, let's update the situation."

"Mr. Anla, I didn't yell at Li Mei, but I dug right into Li's house, and I'm happy to show you (Taiwanese)," Director Liu replied.

"It's thick, An Niechuhou, come and have a look with me."

"Thick, take your helmet and go." Director Liu replied.

In the early years, the number of floors was low, and this case is no exception. It is only about 10 floors, and now it has reached the 6th floor. Due to some administrative process problems, there is currently no construction elevator. Every day, workers complain about climbing up and down. , Although Mr. Lin often patrols the construction site, he will be out of breath when he climbs the 6th floor.

"What's the problem with the elevator, why hasn't it been approved yet?"

"Mr. Lin, we may have to send a fruit box or something. I don't want to make it too clear, you are roaring," Director Liu said.

"Didn't Ding Gai deliver it?"

"That one has been transferred to the south, and another one, which one of them is not like this."

"If you change one, send it once, go and go, take care of it, don't make it difficult for the master."

"The boss is coming, oh, the black dot pushes the ditch, Wen Diu is exhausted." The steel bar master saw Mr. Lin coming, and immediately complained to Mr. Lin. Mr. Lin was not a bossy boss, the master said. He can listen to everything, so all the classes in the construction site like him very much, otherwise who would dare to go northeast to northwest with a boss.

"It's thick and thick, the tower governor Awen's family is exhausted, and you should deal with it sooner than the director, otherwise it will be too hard for you to climb to the tenth floor every day, digging for disasters and digging disasters."

"It's thick, why don't you help me with Lili, dry Wenna."

A down-to-earth boss communicates with the work class in down-to-earth language, or works all day long. I am most afraid of a boss who will pick on faults when he comes up high. No one likes to see him. This construction site Fortunately, there is no such problem whether it is the owner's boss or the construction boss. It is a humane construction site.

"Thickness is tied and squeezed, the black wolf 咩duo ㄟ, Mai Gang can't cover it well."

"It's always safe, I'll let you rest assured."

After going downstairs, Mr. Lin said goodbye to Director Liu and returned to the public works office to continue their own work. The case will be completed in about a year and the house will be handed over. The construction site show on the beam, the completion bonus of the employees and the end of the year will definitely be indispensable. , If the economy is good, everything is good, but if the economy is not good, they have to drink the northwest wind.

"Everyone, grouting tomorrow, you should come and prepare early, especially you, Xiao Liu, don't be late, finish get off work early and leave work early."

"You can't get off work until five o'clock when you finish work early. How can you get off work early when you finish get off work early? There's no overtime pay, so it's hard to come here early." Xiao Liu himself was murmured there.

"Have you been contacted, Lao Liu?" There are four colleagues surnamed Liu at this construction site. Of course, the director himself is called Director Liu, and the others are called Lao Liu, Xiao Liu, and Fat Liu, so that the three can be distinguished. Liu "Director".

"Okay, tomorrow at seven o'clock, no problem." Lao Liu answered briefly.

"Have you made the elevation? Fatty?" Director Liu turned to Fat Liu and asked.

"Shrimp, call me? Aren't they all called Fat Liu, how can I change to Little Fat?"

"It's kinder, how is it, did you do it?"

"There is contact, if I haven't come yet, I will urge you again."

"Okay, I just went up with Mr. Lin and haven't seen it yet. If you contact again, you must do it before grouting. Remember to drop the place where it should be downgraded, and don't forget it like last time." They tested them regularly. The last time Xiaopang forgot to downgrade, he was scolded. Director Liu is a good person and will teach them to advance, but he is still very strict when he should be strict.

"Let's take a look at the things that should be finalized. The electrical and mechanical director should still be there. Xiao Liu, you are doing the final confirmation with him. Our regular workers will bring it together to check whether there is any garbage. , that's it, let's go."

The advantage of working on the construction site is that you can stand on the commanding heights and look at the nearby scenery. There are 5-storey apartments near this project. The sixth floor is already higher than all the buildings you can see. In recent years, the houses are getting more and more built. The higher the height, the newly opened cases have at least 10 floors, and most of them are in Huaxia. The sunset and afterglow looking west is very beautiful. Usually, the wind is blowing, the sun is shining and the rain is falling, so I always have to find something beautiful in the boredom. have the motivation to work.

"Director Wang, is everything almost there?" Xiao Liu shouted when he saw Director Wang on the roof.

"Oh little Liu, that's almost it, all the deficiencies have been corrected, there's nothing to do anymore."

"Oh, well, let me take a look. I changed it once in the morning, but the director asked me to look again."

"It's not his family, so serious, the boss really hired a good employee."

"Hahahahaha, you should get more money." Said to the two of them laughing and ending the day happily.

In the middle of the night, a sudden tremor shook everyone who was asleep. With no electricity and no news, people outside the disaster area didn't know what happened, while President Lin and Director Liu were in a hurry. He ran to the construction site to confirm the situation, but saw fire trucks and ambulances whizzing past in reverse.

When Director Liu arrived at the gate of the construction site, Mr. Lin had already confirmed the situation with the guards again. Director Liu hurriedly got out of the car and stepped forward to inquire about the situation, prepare lamps, and inspect the construction site.

"Mr. Lin, this flashlight is for you."

"Okay, okay, okay, let me tell you, it doesn't matter, we will wait until it's dawn before going in. Now there is a big power outage in Taiwan, and all the lights inside are out. It's dangerous for us to go in now. It’s fine as long as nothing falls, it’s okay, your family is all right.”

"General, it's alright, I won't rush over if I have something."

"That's good, that's good. There should be no way to fill it tomorrow. I don't know when this situation will stabilize. I also need to confirm that the template is stable, otherwise it will be dangerous."

"I'll contact you again. Okay, I'll take a look around. Mr. Lin, go back and rest first."

"Whatever you want to say, if you want to patrol, we will patrol together. After patrolling, go back to rest first."

The two went their separate ways after walking around to confirm that there was no situation. Although President Lin asked Director Liu to go back to rest, Director Liu went back to the public works office to see if the phone could still be made. Based on the situation, how many groups could be in the work class tomorrow? , there is no way to construct before stabilization.

to be continued...


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Mr. Engineer工程先生在營造業工作的小小工程師。營造業是個資訊很封閉的行業,所有經驗大部分只能靠業內傳承下來,希望盡自己的一點小小心力,把業內的知識及生活分享給大家 ☛ https://engineeringlifetw.com/
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