2022 World Football”Introduction to the top ten stadiums of the Football World Cup【World Football Knowledge+】

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It is up to FIFA to decide the venue of each World Football. Most fans pay attention to the wonderful performance of the stars, but do you know what the most important and famous venues are in the World Cup? Let the editor of Kada take you to know the introduction of the ten important stadiums!
Introduction to the top ten stadiums of the Football World Cup

Introduction to the top 10 world football venues:

1. La Sanda Stadium (Stockholm): It is one of the two venues in the world that have hosted the World Cup final and the Women's World Cup final. Here, the Swedish team can always have a very good performance, but in 1958 it was the Brazilian team that dominated here. Everyone on the scene witnessed the birth of a star, and he was Pele.

2. Centennial Stadium (Montevideo): For World Football, this stadium has a special meaning. The World Cup was born and held here, and Uruguay became the first team in history to win the World Cup.

3. Maracana Stadium (Rio de Janeiro): The holy land of Brazilian football, there are few stadiums in the world that can witness so many real historical moments like it. Most famously, the 1950 World Cup was a painful memory for Brazil, who lost to Uruguay in the final amid cheers from 174,000 fans.

4. Olympic Stadium (Munich): This is one of the two most special stadiums in the world. Its unique architectural style and roof area of 75,000 square meters are still amazing to this day. Here is the blessed land of German star Muller, who together with Beckenbauer led his team to defeat the Netherlands to win the World Cup.

5. Aztec Stadium (Mexico City): The Aztec Stadium is perhaps the most memorable stadium in history. It was here that Pele staged his World Cup farewell, it was also the place where the Remit Cup was awarded for the last time, and where Maradona beat England by the hand of God. It is also the only stadium in the world to host the World Cup final twice

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6. Rose Bowl Stadium (Los Angeles): Although there is no football tradition, the United States still became the host of the 1994 World Cup. In the month that the World Cup was held, the atmosphere of the World Cup infected everyone. As the host of the final, the Rose Bowl Stadium hosted many games, and Brazil became the first team in history to win four championships here. It has also hosted the finals of the Women's World Cup and the Olympic Games.

7. San Siro Stadium (Milan): It also has another name, "Meazza Stadium". Whether it is the home of AC Milan or Inter Milan, it is the holy place of the city of Milan. Although it has not hosted the final of the World Cup, but The San Siro's reputation remains undiminished, having hosted two World Cups.

8. Bernabeu Stadium (Madrid): The Bernabeu Stadium hosted the final of the 1982 World Cup in Spain. It is the home of Real Madrid. There have been many superstars such as Stefano, Puskas, Ronaldo, Raul, Zida Nei et al worked here. The stadium's capacity of 120,000 people also makes the games held here always have a warm atmosphere.

9. Stade Volodymyr (Marseille): Not the Stade de France but its inclusion as a French stadium may surprise many, but he has hosted six World Cup matches and has also hosted the World Cup semi-finals twice (1938 and 1998).

10. Wembley Stadium (London): Few stadiums have become as "mecca" for fans as Wembley Stadium. Before it was toppled in 2003, it was a museum of British football history, it has witnessed many historical moments, and for many players, it is also a great honour to play at Wembley Stadium.

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