Shanghai zero yuan purchase, why am I strong

China's own national conditions
Songjiang District, Shanghai

I'm never bullshit, but it's no use telling the truth. Let's not talk about patriotism, the epidemic, Shanghai, etc. Those people in Matt City who do not go to the door can also talk about things with a face, just like the storytellers you often see on the streets. You won't listen to these people in reality, but they On the Internet, you listen with relish.

have you seen

Like this photo, I took it myself. The intelligence I have at hand is much more than that. Nanjing is the capital of Huizhou, and Shanghai is almost a city where immigrants from other places gather. Even if those tourist attractions deceive tourists, how many places in the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum treat it as a place to talk about politics? The coffee shop outside the seat is okay, but the main points of a city like this are definitely those real power units and transportation arteries. Ask the patriotic people here, Wumao, you know, of course I'm not stupid enough to leak all the information at once. But that's where I can analyze the current situation, because I can see how the Communist Party dispatches troops without having to go online. This is the most fundamental and direct.

That’s why I often say, how can you know things if you don’t walk around? The tasks of Communist Party officials are quite scattered, and those who are armed and those who have general affairs are not at all in the same place. If something breaks out, it's useless to talk about anything. It's not our No. 1 target. What are we going to do at this juncture?

Who to see, remember, the more critical the moment, the more calm you have to be, even if you can't save people, you have to save yourself. Saying it a thousand times is not as good as doing it!

After the words of encouragement are finished, let’s go back to Shanghai. Now it doesn't matter what feelings you have for this city, your mood, what dog was killed, etc.

I have experienced many mass incidents, and I can tell you responsibly that no matter how rational they are, they will be coerced into the crowd. But, but I would like to say a few more points, you never know who instigated you, if it is an anti-communist force, that's all, if it is a national treasure of the Communist Party's secret agents, you will be pinched by them.

The most urgent task now is always to solve the problem, not to complain. How to solve it depends on your ability and means. What's the use of being disappointed in China? If it hadn't happened to you, and it hadn't hit you on the head, a few of you would have said, "I've seen through the nature of the government long ago!" People like me who tell the truth, what a good end, I have been killed by the Chinese before natural and man-made disasters come; when natural and man-made disasters come, I can't save many people, I can only be strong and save myself. Not even those who shouted that they could not live.

I don't know how many times I've said the exact same content, who cares, I know it's sad when the water floods my head. Not only did my sadness not resonate, but I had to passively accept the reality. So now for individuals, psychological pressure must be relieved, and more complex mechanisms cannot be done by one or two. The pressure faced by people who do practical things cannot be poured out every day like online writers. Such people are the most useless.


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