Taiwan Epidemic Prevention Insurance Claims Tips


Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law - National Regulatory Database (moj.gov.tw)

There are usually two situations

1. Having close contact with a confirmed person and being pulled into the quarantine list in accordance with Article 48 of the Prevention and Control Law, and being quarantined to half of the bidder, or after exiting the customs without knowing the reason and being diagnosed

2. Directly diagnosed and quarantined in accordance with Article 44 of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law

Assuming that the epidemic prevention insurance you bought has both isolation and diagnosis items that can be claimed,

Condition 1 can receive full isolation and diagnosis funds

Situation 2 can only receive compensation for diagnosis

If you are very dissatisfied, there are two ways to deal with it, 1. Let yourself be quarantined due to Article 48 of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law (if your insurance policy has not expired) 2. Write to the mailbox of the Legislative Yuan and ask if they can change the infectious disease prevention and treatment Law

If it is really unacceptable, you can refund the diagnosis compensation to the insurance company and ask her to refund the premium to you. Belief that demands should be met


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