The comprehension of survival in the wilderness

After watching a series of programs on survival in the wilderness, I feel that human beings have come to such a convenient life today. I really have to thank the ancestors for the world they exchanged with their lives and accumulated experience!

Last week, because my family was diagnosed, the company gave me a three-day self-isolation leave. Maybe it was a sudden holiday and I could only stay at home and do nothing. I opened youtube and watched the wilderness survival reality show. I often wonder if one day our peaceful life suddenly Destroyed, we must escape to the barren mountains and ridges. How can people survive? After watching a series of videos of survival in the wilderness, I feel that human beings have reached such a convenient life today. I really need to thank the ancestors for their lives and accumulation. The world of experience!

People who can survive to the end in the wilderness basically have several characteristics - they can't be too thin to starve, have multiple predation skills, and can resist the loneliness of surviving alone.

Wilderness survival shows put a group of people to live in a primitive area. Most of the shows I watch are placed in places with cold temperatures, so most of the challengers in the later stages of survival will find a way to survive the harsh winter, as long as they can survive to the end without fighting. The person who called for help could get a million or half a million dollars. The program team is quite attentive. After all, they don’t want the challenger to kill himself in order to win, so some rules have been formulated. For example, the weight cannot drop more than one-third of the initial weight, and the medical team will regularly help the challenger. Do physical health checks, so many challengers were dismissed because of their physical decline, and the medical team asked them to stop after evaluation, especially women. I have watched several seasons and almost no women have won the championship. Many of them endured because If the physical factor is persuaded by the medical team, it is possible that women have a greater demand for fat than men. After all, health should be given priority, but irreversible damage to the body cannot be done for the sake of bonuses.

Injury = Retirement notice

One of the most important things about participating in this show is not to allow yourself to be injured . After watching several seasons, many challengers have withdrawn because of injuries. Although the show team has provided medical kits, if the medical kits cannot be handled urgently, they have to call the radio. begged for help. A female challenger was scratched by a knife on her hand because she fell. The wound was too deep and her tendon was injured, so she could only ask the show team for help.

There were also contestants who had difficulty walking because of severe frostbite on their toes. Although they had food and a safe cabin, they were forced to withdraw from the competition for medical treatment.

Building a sheltered hut is a basic skill

Challenger's own sheltered hut

The challengers selected by the program are all prepared. At the beginning, as soon as they arrive at the destination, basically everyone will build a temporary shelter first, and then explore a little place suitable for building a house, because the winter in the frigid or temperate region is very cold. , they had to build a hut as soon as possible before winter , using nearby trees to build one by one, and then used a lot of needles or moss as interlayers to prevent cold air from entering the house, suddenly felt like watching this show like learning To many things (laughs).

They had to do some physical work at the beginning of the challenge, because in the later stages, everyone was too thin to carry heavy objects and do rough work for a long time.

I think the most powerful thing is that even if the hut is built, there is no way to keep warm, so they will build a heater , the more powerful ones will be built with stones, most of them are made of wood, and sometimes the smoke exhaust effect is too bad. Contestants who choked and fainted in the house, and who did not control the fire of the heater and burned their own house, had to retire (without the strength to build another one).

You can eat anything, malnutrition is the norm

Checking if there are any challengers who have caught fish

If the challenger is not ready, they will probably retire in the first two or three weeks, and the next is an enduro, so whatever it is, as long as it is food, you have to find a way to get it, and you have to store more for the winter. food. The other thing is to keep eating. It would be a pity if you were forced to retire because you lost too much weight in the middle and late stages.

Watching this show, you will feel that everyone is a master of fishing (or fishing), and each fish is very fat and big, and the show may be trying to minimize the difficulty of survival for the challengers, so the location is mostly selected by the river or By the lake, it is convenient to obtain water. After all, if there is no water, at the beginning of the show, just looking for water to drink may persuade more than half of the people.

Rabbit meat is mostly the food source of ginseng challengers in the Arctic Circle

Eating fish is the beginning of most challengers, but as the temperature plummets, it is difficult to catch fish, and some people will start hunting and gathering and making traps. In the season of the Arctic Circle, many people were eating rabbits. I even caught so many rabbits that I made rabbit fur coats for myself, but the rabbits are very cute, I really hope they won’t be eaten (reluctantly. The program team will regulate which animals the challenger cannot Predation, looking at the large number of rabbits each of them catches, it should be that there are too many wild rabbits in the local area, and the fox is that the program team stipulates that they cannot prey, so the rabbit meat saved by some challengers can only be touched by the fox. Nose let them go.

When the weather is cold and food is getting scarcer, there will be various eating scenes to overcome difficulties. Some people boil the bark into soup to eat, some people eat insects or carrion that has been eaten by other animals, and some people eat it. People who store enough food will have a better time at this time, but they are also very poor. A small dried fish is eaten in two days.

The Final Challenge - Overcoming Loneliness

The challenger stands alone on the snow-covered ground

In the show of survival in the wilderness, I personally like the series alone, especially in the sixth and seventh seasons, there is a great god, respectively, to catch a cow and a deer. Basically, if you hunt large animals in this show, 8 out of 10 Nine is a win , because there is enough food source, you don't have to endure hunger anymore, but the risk of hunting large animals is high, you must be very courageous and patient, and if there is too much food, you have to worry about preservation The problem is that it is a natural refrigerator outdoors in a cold place, but there are still animals that are eyeing for meat, and it is also very dangerous.

With food and safe shelter, the challenger is waiting, waiting for the countless cold days to pass, waiting for the sunrise and sunset day after day, waiting for the show team to tell him that he won. . Most of the reason why many people can't make it through is that they are too lonely. The feeling of missing their family members and the loneliness of living alone for a long time is usually the last straw that crushes the challenger.

The challenger who survived to the end hugs his family he hasn't seen in a long time

Every time I see the ending, the show team uses the guise of a health check to find the last challenger, and then secretly invites their family members to show up. Seeing them hugging makes me nauseous, because it means that the challenger has succeeded and can finally end the lonely wilderness. day of survival.


This series of programs is really good, and some people joked that this is a weight loss program, because the challengers are basically hungry. When the challengers were introduced at the beginning, they all had a lot of beautiful resumes and experiences of survival in the wild, but once the challenge started, many people quit the competition one by one because it was too difficult. On the one hand, the environment may be unfamiliar, and they just wanted to explore this. The location may affect one's own survival factors, and it takes a lot of work to find food sources, build shelter, weather changes, etc. It is a challenge.

Think about how ancient human beings have survived the change of seasons again and again, whether it is severe weather, danger when hunting, or the crisis of disease and pain, all of which are too difficult, unlike us now as long as the weather is cold Just taking out a coat from the closet and wearing it, holding an umbrella when it rains or returning to a safe and sturdy home, living in a big city without animals that treat humans as food, all of which are so precious and precious.

Interested friends can watch many videos as long as they type "alone in the wilderness" on the google search engine or youtube. I recommend it to everyone~


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