The whistleblower is tired of turning the police over! The third reading of the Road Traffic Regulations lists 46 reportable items on the front


According to the third reading, Article 7-1 of the Road Traffic Regulations "opening public reporting items" is divided into two categories. The first is "dynamic violations", that is, 41 violations in total that are more harmful to traffic safety and are not easy for the police to carry out inspections and bans. These include leaking, falling off, and falling off the cargo, driving without a helmet, lighting a cigarette, holding a mobile phone, failing to maintain a safe distance, dangerous driving, maliciously forcing a car, and disrespecting pedestrians, etc.

There are five items of "static violation", which are mainly limited to illegal parking at intersections, pedestrian crossings, sidewalks, etc. that seriously affect traffic safety and order, including illegal side-by-side parking, occupation of handicapped parking spaces, at bus stops, crossroads, Illegal parking within 5 meters of the fire truck entrance and exit. However, the illegal parking of the red and yellow lines is not listed in the case that the traffic safety and order are not seriously affected.

News Source - United News Network

I think cancellation of illegal parking is good and bad. Some are really harmless. Without affecting others, stop to pick up a child or buy something from a convenience store. When you reach the road, this is very bad, do you think it is good or bad!!!


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