NFT Club Happy Dating Party

Man is happy, woman bursts blood vessels

In Taiwan's Dcard emotional area, a woman complained:

"Her boyfriend bought an NFT a few days ago, joined a "gentlemen's club", and said he was going to participate in the club's activities, but only later found out that it was a pool party, there were many girls on the scene, and there was even a lottery "girlfriend experience". The female netizen revealed that she was about to faint after hearing it and had already considered breaking up with her boyfriend. "

It turns out that the woman's boyfriend joined the Ape Gentlemen's Club:

Official website: [Joining the Dating Ape Gentleman Club can enjoy 5 major benefits, including holding a physical offline party every month, including pool parties, yacht parties, nightclub parties, etc. As long as you are a club member, you can participate for free, the first party There will be "a large number of Internet celebrities and beauties of the small model level will be present."

According to the official Instagram of the Dating Ape Gentleman Club, the club's first party was held in a hotel in Taichung City, and anyone with an NFT can participate. The official also remarked in the post a month ago that all members have free box seats. , "there are at least 50 girls and 10 show girls" at the scene.

The Dating Ape Gentleman's Club is reported to be all sold out on the day of sale on February 10, and the whitelisted Mint price is 0.2 ether. OpenSea data shows that there are currently 235 holders of the NFT project, the floor price is 0.38 ETH, and the total transaction volume is 34 ETH. 】

This incident made Zhongbata overjoyed, discussing and researching, one of them said that his wife would kill him. Although I am not married, I know that my blood vessels will burst🤢.

The nightclub is going to attack the metaverse, and the nightclub Nannan is also stationed in the metaverse!

These screenshots were taken by group members

Usually they often share pictures of sexy beauties in the group, but of course they are not brave enough in front of their wives.

I once saw an old lover on Instagram "People you may know", I clicked in and didn't have a life photo to share, but I followed a lot of women wearing very little clothes, I immediately pretended not to see, quit, and then a day later , he appeared in my "People you may know" again, I suspect that I also appeared in his "People you may know", he saw me, in order to prevent me from seeing a lot of sexy women in the account, so the account has been Locked, we can't see anything, of course we didn't add to each other, we can't see.

Now there are more options for fun in the Metaverse, so that those who don’t understand the blockchain and the other half of the Metaverse’s operations are invisible.


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