"Deliberately pausing isn't just charging, it's a reboot."

In this age where time is always not enough, we need to find time to stop and take a breath so that we can continue to move forward better, but this rest is not just a casual rest, it should be like restarting a computer. Restart yourself, settle and think about past and future actions.

In recent years, many books have talked about deliberately pausing. In this era when time is always not enough, we need to find time to stop and take a breath, so that we can continue to move forward better, deliberately pause for a while, and find ourselves moving forward again. energy of.​

​Especially in the process of pursuing your goals, rest is very important, not just casual rest, but a rest that allows you to regain energy by immersing yourself in it wholeheartedly.​

A good rest can not only make people recharged, but also make people take better and bigger steps after a pause.​

​A year or two ago, especially when I started chasing my goals two years ago, I should have been very excited when I set off, and I would never get tired no matter how hard I tried.​

​It is not only fixed on the text account, but also updated every day on the fan college. It is the first time to do daily update, and every day is full of enthusiasm towards the goal, no matter how far away you are from the goal, anyway, always Just keep moving forward, and you will always get closer to your goal step by step.​

​It was not until later that the overflowing energy that was full was gradually used up by me. During that time, I rarely had the opportunity to really stop and recharge myself. ​I haven’t done the leisure and entertainment that I used to do when I was very bored for a long time, and I haven’t let the idea of ​​​​playing shit appear in my mind for a long time, and I feel that there is no need to recharge. will run out.​

​About the second half of last year, the enthusiasm and energy that I had been full of were almost exhausted. I also began to care about the distance between myself and the goal. After walking for a long time, I occasionally felt that I was indeed getting closer to the goal. It feels like no matter how you go, you can't break through.​

​This year, the desire to procrastinate is even more serious. Although from the second half of last year, I have added one more daily must-do item, and there are more things to do. ​As the new account grows, it is no longer the same as the Buddhist business at the beginning. The new account has become the most important member of my pursuit of goals, so I must spend more time on it.​

​Until the end, every day was occupied by text accounts and new accounts, and I began to set time for deliberate pauses. Although not completely resting all day, I still had to deal with some account matters.​

​But compared to the time when there was no such time in the past, I did gain a lot of new energy from it, but this time of relaxation will gradually make people feel that this short time is not enough, and they want more and more to play. wasted time.​

​However, I read a passage not long ago, roughly speaking, deliberately suspending should be like restarting yourself like restarting your computer, giving yourself a pause, and re-examining what you did and how you did it, And think about what you can do better in the future.​

​Deliberately pausing is not just for us to relax our minds and gain new energy, but to restart ourselves during this period of time, to precipitate and think about past and future actions, to ensure that we can operate better than ever after we turn it on.​

​We are often unable to relax, and we often misunderstand the true meaning of rest. It’s really good to be lazy, and we all need relaxation time when we don’t think about anything.​

​However, while deliberately stopping the pace, you might as well try to restart it. It will definitely allow people to obtain better and more durable energy than simply cheating. Faster and farther.​

I hope today's sharing is helpful to you. If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to hear me share other content, please leave a message to me!

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YulinaHuang回歸初心的日常提煉|生活|創作|目標追尋​ ​ 從日常提煉由心而生的文字。​ 在這裡,我想將創作背後不為人知的心境歷程,記錄下來,分享給想要踏上或正走在創作路上的你,希望看到了整趟過程的清晰全貌的你,能夠勇於追尋自己的創作夢,在持續創作的同時,也成為更好的自己。
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