If you were the boss, how would you find someone? When looking for a job, you must look at salary quotes, job search platforms, and 5 key points for high-paying jobs | Hedonic Thinking

Job hunting must look at salary quotes, job search platforms, and high-paying jobs: https://youtu.be/oA34f0jeQMA
Why does it take so long to find a job?
Why is the salary of the job you like so far from the expected salary?
Why is TOEIC 900 points in English, but the boss is still not satisfied?
Why do ideal job openings require experienced candidates?
Why is it so hard to find a job despite having the ability and experience?

Recently, it is time for many students to start looking for jobs. I would like to share some job-hunting information for the students.

The following is the salary market, job search platform and general arrangement of high-paying jobs. You are welcome to refer to my videos for some questions about job hunting. There are also relevant information in the video information column. You are welcome to bookmark the video for reference.

Job seekers must look at salary quotes, job search platforms, and high-paying jobs: https://youtu.be/oA34f0jeQMA

I wish you all the best of luck in finding a job you like, and everything goes well~

If you were the boss, how would you find someone? 5 key points to share

No5 - Salary: Why is the salary of finding a job so far from the ideal?

Because the business model and market conditions determine the salary , no matter how high the ability is or how much the output is , the salary has been decided at the same time as the job vacancy is selected !

  • Business model: We use an example to illustrate how salary and personnel budget are determined. Today you are the owner of a beverage store
  1. Store rent 50,000 yuan / water and electricity 20,000 yuan / raw materials 30,000 yuan
  2. This month's turnover is 400,000 (gross profit 50%)

Excuse me, boss, how much would you pay for a person? Please leave a message if you have an answer~~

  • Market Quote: Hello boss, you still have 10 million in your bank deposit. How much will you spend to buy a bottle of Coke in a convenience store?
  • Each industry has a different level of profitability (gross profit margin). In addition to thinking about your own interests and abilities, you should study industries with high gross profit margins in the job market, and put yourself in a long-term growth industry environment to earn salary and earn the latest industrial skills

No 4 - Professional skills: Why is the boss still dissatisfied with the excellent talents with a TOEIC score of 900?

  • Skills are valuable skills to the boss only if they can be converted into valuable work output
  • The following is a true story: There is a company that has a manufacturer visiting from the UK for technology transfer, and a department is assigned to the next day's itinerary. One of the team in this department, Yumi, has joined the team for 2 years. English TOEIC 900 points, the supervisor provided the relevant documents of the technology transfer in advance, and explained the recording format and method of the technology transfer to him, and assigned him to write a report. During the process of communicating with the manufacturer, the supervisor asked Yumi from time to time whether there was a record of the technology transfer. The summary and summary of each agenda, as well as the to-do items, the meeting went very smoothly. It only took half a day to complete the technology transfer, and after four hours of discussion, three agendas were completed and the to-do items of both parties were listed one by one. After the end, the supervisor performed the friendship of the landlord and took the manufacturer to dinner. The next day, he entered the company supervisor to ask about the technical transfer record. Guess what Yumi handed over?
I don't understand a lot of it, but I don't dare to say it when the technology is transferred
  • Each company has a different ratio of various professional skills for each vacancy. No matter how many skills there are in resume interviews, they cannot compare to the actual completion of work tasks.

No 3 - Experience: Why do ideal job candidates need experienced candidates?

  • Experience is the most convincing data. It is very difficult to obtain experience. It is a data that takes a long time and accumulates results . This is why having experience is equivalent to having the latest professional value of the industry, and it is easier to change to the same industry. one level company
  • What if there is no experience? Turn learning and skills into experience for accumulation. If your skills are software engineers, take out your side project. If it is the top app in the app store, even if you are not employed, there are very convincing data to prove it. your skills

No 2 - Impression: Why is it so hard to find a job despite all the abilities and experiences?

  • We use an extreme hypothesis to illustrate why impressions are so important: Jack has worked as a senior R&D engineer in the top ten companies in the world for many years. Due to the long working hours, there are often business trips before the epidemic. Under the epidemic, the size of the different time zones Meetings, coupled with the fact that there is a new born child at home, the parents are old and need to take care of more time, I want to change jobs, so that I can spend more time with my family
  • After submitting my resume, I quickly received many interview invitations. Before the interview, a large-scale Taiwanese factory called first and made a telephone interview. The human resources Alice on the other end of the phone was willing to see such excellent talents. When I came to our company, I thought he was a very suitable talent, but when asked this question, Alice decided to advise the employer not to hire Jack
Jack, your major and experience are very good, why do you want to change jobs?
  • Jack wanted to deal with the current problem as soon as possible, and when he answered, he said directly: Because of some circumstances at home, if you want to change a job, you don’t need to spend so long, and you don’t need a business trip. Considering the market conditions in Taiwan, The minimum acceptable salary is 2.5 million. If you have special needs at work and you need to work overtime or travel, please also indicate on your resume that I cannot cooperate. I will handle all the things in my share during working hours, and I have more on hand. Some companies have received interview notices. I need some time to evaluate the different treatment of each company to confirm whether I will work in your company. Please help me make a special record, thank you
  • There's nothing wrong with being honest, but no company will hire someone who isn't willing to cooperate, who doesn't like it , fits the team's needs, makes the team want to work with you, and you need to take that into consideration
  • If you were Alice? How would you feel?

No 1 - Competition: Why does it take so long to find a job?

  • The boss spends money to find someone, ranging from hundreds of thousands a year to several million. It is higher than the draft rate to admit one person. Later, it is found that it is not suitable to find someone again. It takes a little more time, carefully finds the right person , and gets a little more Candidate. Data, and evaluate the stability, communication language, and professional ability of each candidate, and find the most suitable candidate, from personnel, employers, budget center management, confirmation at various levels, from opening a vacancy to finding someone It is possible to start at least a month , as long as half a year and a year. If the number of candidates is too small, the management unit will feel that the personnel and employers are not rigorous enough, and they should find more people to compare and decide whether to hire them.
  • If you urgently need to find a job because you don’t have a job today, or if you are currently working in a work environment that makes you want to leave quickly and find a job, the best way is not to wait until you need to start looking for a job, keep observing and planning Change jobs so time is on your side

Salary Quotes

  1. Ratio Salary: https://salary.tw/
  2. Tianyantong: https://www.qollie.com/
  3. Goodjob: https://www.goodjob.life/
  4. Ibee: http://ibeejobs.com/
  5. Glassdoor: https://www.glassdoor.com/index.htm
  6. 104: https://guide.104.com.tw/salary/topic?subject=jobsratio&type=worker&cat=all
  7. 1111: https://www.jobsalary.com.tw/
  8. Accounting Office, Executive Yuan: https://earnings.dgbas.gov.tw/experience_sub_01.aspx

job search platform

  1. CakeResume: https://www.cakeresume.com/
  2. Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/
  3. Yourator: https://www.yourator.co/
  4. meet.jobs: https://meet.jobs/zh-TW
  5. Wanted: https://www.wanted.jobs/
  6. Indeed: https://tw.indeed.com/
  7. Taiwan Jobs: https://www.taiwanjobs.gov.tw/

high salary job

  1. Google - Youtube/Android/Chrome/Ads adddddds: https://careers.google.com/jobs/results/
  2. Apple Apple - iPhone/Macbook: https://www.apple.com/careers/tw/
  3. Amazon Amazon - book store / AWS: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/locations/taiwan
  4. Nvidia Huida - Mining Card: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/about-nvidia/careers/
  5. Meta - Facebook / Instagram / Ads adddddds: https://www.metacareers.com/v2/locations/taipei/?p[offices][0]=Taipei%2C+Taiwan&offices[0]=Taipei%2C+Taiwan
  6. TSMC TSMC 2330: https://www.tsmc.com/static/english/careers/index.htm
  7. MediaTek MediaTek 2454: https://careers.mediatek.com/eREC/
  8. Novatek 3034: https://www.novatek.com.tw/Recruit/
  9. PHISON Phison 8299: https://www.phison.com/zh-tw/company/career/global-talents
  10. Realtek Realtek 2379: https://www.realtek.com/zh-tw/careers
  11. Dell Dell - Server / NB / Desktop / Alienware: https://jobs.dell.com/location/taiwan-jobs/375/1668284/2
  12. HP HP - NB/Desktop: https://jobs.hp.com/search-results/
  13. Asus ASUS 2357 - ROG: https://ehr.asus.com/
  14. Intel Intel - Wintel: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/jobs/locations/taiwan.html
  15. Microsoft Microsoft - Windows / Office / Azure: https://careers.microsoft.com/students/us/en/ch-hks-tw-full-time-results

Good luck with your job search~


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