
The abyss is full, and I'm in my early days

The man kept enduring other people's laughing behavior, and those clamors were like a thousand arrows piercing his heart. Unknowingly, he only had hatred for this world, without kindness. The hatred was so strong that he wanted to fight criminals and eliminate harm for the people. I had a dream, and I saw a master who had been waiting for him for a long time. The man looked sad and wanted to ask the master, "Should the wicked in this world be killed?" The master spat on the ground and drowned The master asked him, "Should I die?" The man hesitated, but the master said flatly, "If you want to avenge the worm, you have to ask the worm." The man exclaimed, "Why is the worm dead?" Make the decision.” Master patted him on the shoulder and said, “Many things have died and vanished into thin air. Only yours is still alive. My saliva can annihilate this annoying bug. Why can’t your heart swallow your anger? "

The man calmed down and asked suspiciously, "Why are there evil people in the world? Eliminating evil is the right way." The master led him to ride a bicycle on the mountain path. The master sat at the back and the man drove in front. Pushing the accelerator hard, although it is a bit laborious, as long as you work hard, you can reach it. After a turn, you came to the downhill section. The master said calmly, "You can't brake." The man said in panic, "Then you and I will fall down." Go down the cliff to seek death." The master smiled slightly, "Your kind thoughts can make you walk on a difficult road. If you can't stop your evil thoughts, when people are sliding down, everyone around you and me will die." The man's heart Regret, confession with tears like rain.

The master said softly, "Good people can make you stand up to the peak full of strength and never get tired, but bad people always stand in your way when you fall to the bottom. If they don't incarnate and step on you, you have already seen the king of Hades." The man suddenly realized that when a person is down, there are many stones that fall into a well, but these stones also help me fill up the abyss, and I am also in my early days.

Photo by Mh Afrogh on Unsplash


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