[Basic Definition] Soulmate, Karmic Partner, Twin Flame, Divine Partner, How to distinguish?

趙天琳 ZHAO Tian-lin
⚠️Reminder before reading: The content shared in this article is derived from personal life experience, research and understanding. There may be some views and knowledge that break the reader's inherent thinking or "common sense" cognition. We welcome friends who are interested/ready We read at our own discretion with an open mind, extracting what inspires you, and letting go of what is confusing or unacceptable.

Only watched this video until now, it is the most consistent and complete version I know so far, talking about the differences between the four relationship types of soulmates, karmic partners, twin flames and divine partners (refine my feature article be as complete as possible).

Soulmates and Karmic Soulmates usually "unconsciously" enter into intimate relationships and learn specific topics together. These two types of relationships usually conform to the individual's ego values in the early stages. The relationship involves learning topics and ending the relationship. Soulmates are easy to study and live together for a long time. Even if the close relationship ends, the basic friendship will remain, and the individual can choose whether to sublimate into a spiritual partner involving spiritual growth and enlightenment. (Divine Counterpart) relationship.

As for the twin flame, the energy body (yin and yang) of the same source is incarnated into two people, and they are raised and raised in a world that is a parallel mirror of each other. When the two people reach the breakthrough point of synchronized high frequency and spiritual awakening meet, but if either or both are not ready they will go their separate ways and continue their separate adventures instead of being drawn into intimacy as quickly as soul/karma mates, just face-to-face and not too much. Multi-intersection, this is mainly for the most efficient awakening of each other (similar to some kind of empowerment); two people will first form an intimate relationship through their respective soul/karma partners to complete the subject to be learned, until both of them are spiritually enlightened to achieve synchronization and stability Only high frequencies will reunite and eventually form an intimate relationship. Since these two people are essentially the same soul, they share the same core vibration frequency, and the connection between them (energy silver thread) will never die. The spiritual enlightenment of either party will lead to a greater awakening of the other party, and finally work together to complete their common Mandate of Heaven (Leave a legacy to the earth).

Not everyone has a twin flame on the same earth timeline (only old souls who are about to graduate ), but everyone has a divine partner in every reincarnation (twin flames are the most frequent type of divine partner, and there is only one) , and the difference from the average soul/karmic partner is necessarily a journey of personal spiritual enlightenment and a divine mission to dedicate to all beings and assist in the ascension of the planet, not just driven and aligned by egoistic desires.

(※ The superhuman myth of Plato's Symposium is a variant of the human body duality experiment performed during the Lemurian period.)

How to deal with twin flame separation ?
...... Don't worry about him ˊ_>ˋ, just continue self-study and adventure. When the time comes, nature will reunite, and the universe will (anything goes) pull the strings.
In principle, the two sides have not synchronized stable high frequency and enlightenment to a certain level, so they cannot get together. This is a problem of vibration frequency .

In addition, when the old soul has cultivated enough to not need to form an intimate relationship with the soul/karma partner to learn the subject, there will be a strange phenomenon that the peach blossoms may become more and more prosperous, but at the same time the universe will generate excess karma. Pulling away, or we will consciously choose to twist them away, in order to protect our own twin flame unity process, so there is a traditional saying that "peach blossoms turn into wealth without touching them".

(😇 Angels said: "Singleness is an illusion." ← )

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