Preface | Spiritual Awakening, Then What?

趙天琳 ZHAO Tian-lin
2017/2/4 Handy Notes, "My creation is: playing decoding games (including myself) with all beings in the world."

On the second day of the lunar new year, I just woke up, and after doing basic washing, I opened a Sakyamuni to start a new day. While tasting Sakyamuni, I remembered that when I was ten years old, I had just entered the Buddhist School of Pure Buddhism. I read a lot of related stories at that time. Now I think back and find that people are talking about the "World Honored One" today - or it can be said that he once incarnated as a Prince Siddhartha's ascended master, or " Buddha ", forgets his temporal and spatial context as a " human being ".

When the baby who was predicted to become a Buddha in this world was born, a sage from afar came to visit the king and said that the child's future would have two brilliant possibilities: becoming a wheel-turning king, or becoming a Buddha . The king became anxious when he heard it. In order to ensure that the child would grow up well and inherit the ancestral tradition, he ordered to put an end to everything that could awaken the prince's spirituality. The ultimate experience of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body enjoying the glory is a daily thing in the prince's growth process.

However, there is a call beyond and beyond all material things, and the unavoidable awakening moment will finally start at the most suitable time-one day, I don't know if it is because of the king's negligence, or the prince deliberately avoiding the father's eye line, The prince ordered his attendants to drive away from the king's city. During his journey through the four gates of east, west, north, south and south to investigate the people, he saw the signs of life, old age, sickness and death, which made his heart tremble, and then aroused a strong desire to search for the truth of the origin of life. He had already married and was about to take the throne. The newborn he and his beloved wife gave birth to was named Rahula. The original meaning of the name is "obstacle", which shows that he is determined to become a monk.

So far, by the standards of a secular adult man, Siddhartha's behavior seems a bit excessive.

After seeing the suffering of the world, Siddhartha did not return to the protection of the royal city, but firmly chose to be rebellious and run away to adventure, giving up the privilege of inheriting the throne and the original worldly glory, and began his pilgrimage. Try all kinds of difficult training methods, until you close yourself and usher in the final magic test - but these are not the end. In the end, it was the bowl of plain and gentle milk that was offered as an offering by a kind-hearted girl, and Siddhartha adjusted his extreme ascetic practices, realized the middle way, and "became a Buddha". We don't know now, could that woman be the incarnation of Tara ? Actually this is very possible. In the handed down stories, there is a deliberately left fragment such as "the shepherd's porridge", which obviously has its special meaning.

Among the ten disciples of the Buddha, at least eight came from a royal family or a family of priests, not Subhuti, who was born in a royal family and has the title of Jie Kong No. The princess Yasodhara (in more modern terms, Siddhartha and Yasodhara are twin flames , and one of the prototypes of the later handed down "Happy Buddha") and his son Rahula also became ordained. future Buddha .

But why did these princes of the royal family, who could obviously live a good life, make such a choice?

From the perspective of human history of reincarnation, no matter how the form is changed, the "king" of each era will greatly influence the imitation of all beings who are related to him. When Siddhartha, who had become Sakyamuni Buddha, was alive, a major event happened: the King of Glass in the Dhammapada destroyed the Sakyamuni family. Due to the effect of karma, the kingdom of Kapilavastu was destroyed, which is something that he, who has become a Buddha, is powerless to reverse. However, because of his awakening and enlightenment, he has led to the intentional awakening and spontaneous practice of many Sakyamuni royals and people in the world. Under the influence of time and space, he has become a pond fish that saves these awakened people from the pain of war. Liberation and renunciation from the karmic cycle of duality and retribution.

The "now" after nearly 2,500 years, excluding some anecdotal history that may have appeared in a high-tech and spiritually awakened society far superior to contemporary development, and thus ascended or encrypted tribes hidden in specific realms , according to the linear time-space view of mainstream history, the human race on earth has undergone several transformations. Now that human beings have reached a new transition point again, the latest technology has made the sci-fi situation that I longed for in my childhood into the daily reality of the future. It can even be said that this is some kind of new " magic power "; however, it is bound to have hidden worries, too relying on foreign objects to stimulate the senses to intoxicate , it may cause people to lose their innate and real supernatural powers - the original divine creativity and psychic power of the soul , which urgently needs each human individual to awaken and consciously polish them spontaneously - and become insensitive or become addicted to carnal desires , but instead became the prisoner of material, sound and color rather than the master. However, this argument may be just unfounded. In fact, I believe that the divine wisdom deep in the core of each person's soul can eventually enable material reality to serve our latest life exploration experiments at the moment, even if we take a little detour and screw it up. Experimenting or making mistakes, from the point of view of the higher id and the divine source, "everything is fine" .

The time of spiritual awakening is different for each person and life, and even if the time does not come, some people will never experience it in their entire life; Starseed (some overlapping identities), who assisted in Earth's ascension, started this evolutionary ascension exploration journey at a relatively young age. Based on my own growth experience, it started in 2011, when I officially experienced the first dark night of my soul in my life, and it has been ten years since I look back. Thinking about it, it is not enough to say in a few words, but in the recent return of Saturn (between the ages of 27 and 29), writing the book "Reconstructing Destiny" is actually an explanation and summary for myself at this stage, as if writing my "" Earth PhD Dissertation", the knowledge and views shared in it may not be comprehensive (after all, I am still growing and evolving), and some parts are biased towards personal experience, so there is no guarantee that it can correspond to everyone, But I trust each reader's own wisdom and the guidance of the higher self, as indicated by the note at the beginning of each of my feature articles: "Read at your own discretion with an open mind, and extract from it what inspires you, And let go of the parts that are confusing or unacceptable to you."

Between entering the world and being born, between satisfying desires and self-control, between enjoying glory and simplicity and keeping precepts, between compassion, tolerance and discernment, between aggressiveness and retreat, reaching the peak and washing away the lead According to its own evolution, the balance of the moment is adjusted and finally condensed into a self-sufficient answer.

Sometimes we have to boldly seek victory, satisfy and burn our own desires, sometimes we just contemplate the world, turn our backs and let go of karma and cause and effect, the multi-dimensional universe exists, but it is also a void. Appearances of all experiences flicker, not eternal

Ten years or thousands of generations, but only a moment——
If we are fortunate, we have to experience all of them.

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About Me|About Me

Zhao Tianlin Zhao Tian Lin (1993.06.11-)
Transmedium Artist-Curator

Visually based artist-curator , designer , writer and spiritual teacher .
Since 2014, he has independently accepted cases as a visual designer. He is good at transforming the complex philosophical concepts with enlightenment into refined and minimalist visual language expressions. His art and design styles are avant-garde and fashionable, and permeate the future. It has the texture of ancient science fiction and mythology, and can take into account both experiment and reality, integrate brand operation and project management thinking, and provide a win-win strategic layout, solutions and high-quality results for entrusting agencies or cooperative teams.

Since 2017, he has begun to turn his unique investigation and inspiration on existence and art into experimental meditation workshops and technical art performances one after another, as a medium to arouse the audience's awareness, and then to immerse themselves in a more comfortable and balanced manner Now, co-create the updated version of the reality of the earth.

The professional fields that he has mainly focused on and developed for many years include: contemporary art, interactive technology, speculative design, fashion culture, spiritual exploration, etc.

Now he is the lead producer and choreographer of the sci-fi XR "Guanzizai: Future Buddha Multiverse Mine: Future Buddha" trilogy project. The proposal of the first " Human Reincarnation " was selected for the 2020 Kaohsiung VR FILM LAB Creation and Training Workshop and Taipei Film Academy XR Workshop, and participate in the online exhibition at the 2020 TCCF Creative Content Conference.

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