"Drinking Tea" Experience Psychological Support Small Plan (Power Generation with Love)

Don't be too stressed, I may not be able to do anything, all I can provide is a simple phone chat.

While writing this, I happened to be watching a small interview film about activists supporting innocent prisoners somewhere overseas, and the tears had to stop before my eyes. Born in Sri Lanka, one must accept and admit the inevitability of political experience in the future. Evasion or denial may be a form of self-deception. However, the experience of drinking tea often brings huge psychological pressure to many partners, whether it is the agitation and anxiety before drinking tea, or the shock and panic afterward.

Because of the huge fear of the unknown, we often magnify our all-powerful imagination of the state apparatus, give up our idea of the possibility of change, and even doubt our own values and actions. It's not our fault, it's just an instinctive feedback at the time, but it's what the oppressor wants to achieve and we deny ourselves. What to do then?

In this cramped moment, there is really not much I can do as a labor activist, but I hope I can still contribute some of my experience of drinking tea/interrogation over the years as a little support for partners who may encounter or are encountering tea drinking . The so-called support is not to encourage you to continue to do similar things (I believe that each of us can grow from this experience and make independent choices and actively find our own path of liberation), but to resist the influence of tea drinking. Personal self-denial is the starting point for everything to start anew.

So if you:

1) may have similar experiences in the very near future; or 2) are experiencing similar distress/experiences; 3) explore how to coexist with such experiences...

Then maybe my experience will help you how to view these situations or how to solve some security crises. You are welcome to contact me by security email (zuowang2020# protonmail.com ) (protonmail registration is recommended) and your signal contact information (preferably), and then we look for communication tools that require scientific Internet access.

 Don't be too stressed, I may not be able to do anything, all I can provide is a simple phone chat



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