Are you lovable?

Why do we want to be loved by others? Is it because we think we don’t have love in our hearts? Or do we think others don’t love us anymore? Or are we afraid of losing his/her/his love?
Love. Creator: Sati.

Strictly speaking, I used to be.

It's just that he is calm on the outside, but he can't see the turbulence inside.
Usually, people who belong to this type of character have serious internal injuries, and no one will know that we are actually internally injured.
People like us are actually very incapable of expressing the extent of our internal injuries, but because we clearly know that this is actually the result of our own choice to express ourselves in this way, we will not open our mouths or take any actions to express ourselves.

But that doesn't mean we're not lovable.

Isn't it nice to be in love?
If I were to answer this question again, I think I would give myself a positive answer.

Because the courage to admit that you actually need love and concern, for someone like me, it takes a lot of courage.
To be able to admit this, to a certain extent, also means that he has finally crossed the threshold of "willing to show weakness".
Being able to admit this, to a certain extent, also means that I am finally willing to show weakness, and I also admit that I don't want to pretend to be so strong anymore.
Pretending to be strong is a way of being loved.
So you say, people like us are not lovable? Actually just the opposite.

Behind that pretending to be strong is just to [waiting for someone] to be able to [perceive the pain of my pretending to be strong], and then to ask that [someone] for some love, warmth, care, and reasonableness. Take some comfort, and at the same time have reasonable and legitimate reasons to cry weakly in front of the person we have been waiting for for a long time, [to prove that I am only weak now, but it is not necessarily that I will always be weak].

But after this reasonable and legitimate reason is passed, we who are loving, still return to the iron shell of pretending to be strong, and continue to move towards the next cycle of loving.

The point is not that it's bad to be likable, but whether we see the reason behind our liking, and what's wrong with the likable self.

Why do you want to make love to others?
Is it because we think we have no love in our hearts?
Or do you think others don't love us anymore?
Are we afraid of losing his/her/his love?

Are you also willing to admit to being a lover?
When you are willing to admit it, it means that you finally understand that behind the pretending to be strong, it is because you are afraid of losing, because you think you have no support, because you feel weak when you admit that you are weak.

If you admit to being in love, will you lose your love?
If you admit to being loved, will no one love you?
If you admit to being loved, will no one care about you and abandon you?

In fact, as long as you are willing to admit that you love yourself,
Then, the love you thought was lost comes back to you,
It just flows out of your heart and begins to know how to love yourself well.


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Sati嗨! 大家好,我是Sati. Sati 是古印度的巴利文,意思是記得、憶起、專注與覺察、正念。我很喜歡這個名字,因為我的信仰就是【善】。 現在是自由工作者,分享文章、線上課程、靜心音檔,也從事親職教育課程講座與戲劇展演相關推動工作。
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