Do you use coquettish ways to socialize or achieve goals other than in a loving relationship?

Purposeful acting like a spoiled child is a special method that has nothing to do with love.
Photo by seele an on Unsplash

Whenever I see women talk about things in a coquettish way in business situations, I feel admiration.

Sai ㄋ ㄞ coquettish is an " informal expression mode " for women (of course, there may be a small number of men too), but not every woman can use it. According to my observation, only about 1 in 10 women can coquetry.

And these 1 out of 10 women who are coquettish are usually only used with their loved ones, and will not be used by ordinary people who have no love .

It is really a master to be able to use this method in any general occasion or business occasion .

I once asked a business woman at a former company who knew this technique:
"You can't resist such a coquettish trick like yours, right?"

Unexpectedly, she said seriously:
"This technique can only be used on women, never against men."
I'm a little stunned, isn't the coquetry of women just to soften the opposite sex ?

After thinking about it, I gradually understood the meaning of her words:
Because I confuse women's " private coquetry " with " commercial coquetry "!

Women's "secret coquettishness" is the interaction and flirting with their close relatives , whether it is between lovers or children coquetry to adults , etc., it is a blend of family love and love.

But generally purposeful acting like a spoiled child is a special method and has nothing to do with love . If such a method is really used to deal with the opposite sex, it will deteriorate , and the other party may really take you as a hint of love ; in such a situation, if the other party has no love for you, he will feel that you are frivolous, and screw up the real thing.

Therefore, the coquettish trick in business situations cannot be used on men.

However, there can still be exceptions, that is, it is determined that " the elders or superiors who will never misunderstand love ", or there are some jokes in public but they are coquettish , so that there will be no misunderstanding and can achieve the goal. It is quite a high-level social move. I have seen such a performance model in older women with full social experience, and I deeply admire it.

I think a big part of coquetry skills is talent! Most people can't do it.
Would you act like a spoiled brat to socialize with someone who doesn't have love?
Have you ever met a salesperson or salesperson who can act like a spoiled child?
(I will not discuss the eight major industries, A Gongdian, etc.)

Text 2021.11.12


There is a type of female salesperson . They sell products that are " one-off, no follow-up services ", so they also use coquettish ways to deal with the opposite sex, but they really show that they are using beauty to lure you to buy, After you close the deal or buy it, you will never see her again.
You can call it a deception , but who told you to be deceived by her? But I'm not talking about such an industry.


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