10/17(Saturday) Is the era of cross-generational dialogue in Sisalon "going downhill"? Yao Renxi doesn't see it that way


In the process of growing up in every generation, there are model figures of "success", perhaps an entertainer, a scholar, an entrepreneur or a religious figure, but what lies behind "success"? When the swarms follow the mainstream values, how can they recognize their own path?

On October 17th (Saturday) at 2:00 p.m., the Longyingtai Cultural Foundation invited architect Yao Renxi to share his philosophical thinking on the topic of "Facing Oneself in the Midnight": What collective consciousness exists in society? How do these collective consciousnesses affect our perception of the times? As an architect who has won numerous awards, how do you view the era that many people think is "going downhill"? The lecture was hosted by Peng Yurong, curator of the 2020 Shennong Project Achievement Exhibition.

Yao Renxi is good at integrating humanistic and historical perspectives into architectural space design, presenting unique local culture and field spirit. In various architectural works, he reflects the mellow connotation that has been profoundly tempered; Food safety and agricultural issues, and then returned to Hualien to establish an online agricultural product channel. He has both media experience and entrepreneurial background. What kind of thinking and collision will be stimulated by hosting Yao Renxi's talk?

Live link:
Facebook: https://reurl.cc/LdaXGy
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82308235104#success

【Get to know the speaker】

Yao Renxi

Yao Renxi | Founder of Dayuan Construction Factory. He graduated from the Department of Architecture of Tunghai University, Taiwan in 1975, and obtained a Master of Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley, USA in 1978. Yao Renxi has received numerous architectural awards and related honors at home and abroad; the most representative honors include the "Outstanding Alumni Award" of the School of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley in 2005; The winner of the 11th "Architecture Award" is the first architect to receive this honor in the architectural category; in 2014, he was awarded the "Honorary Fellow" by the American Institute of Architects (AIA).

Yao Renxi is good at integrating humanistic and historical perspectives into architectural space design, presenting unique local culture and field spirit. In various architectural works, he reflects the mellow connotation that has been deeply tempered. The Steel Headquarters Building is his classic works, and he is a representative and international architect on the axis of modern architecture in Taiwan.

【Get to know the host】

2020 Taiwan Good Foundation Shennong Project Seven-Year Achievement Exhibition Curator. He used to be a reporter of CommonWealth Magazine and won the Asia Excellence Journalism Award; when he was a special correspondent of Upstream and Downstream News Market, he visited rural areas in Taiwan and Myanmar, focusing on food safety and agricultural issues, and then returned to Hualien to establish an online agricultural product channel. Exploring the possibilities of environment, agriculture, tribe and place from another perspective, the developed agricultural friendly products have been put on the shelves in Hong Kong and Japan. In recent years, he has expanded his tentacles to the hospitality industry, serving as the team leader of the European line and opening a youth hostel in Hualien, hoping to create a new brand for Huadong.

【Extended reading】

Yao Renxi unites the palm, the heart and the eye to create a tranquil and solemn state

Peng Yurong's return home from the founding of Huadong Vegetable Market

10/17 (Sat) Thinking Salon


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