Summer Love Project / For the one you once loved

日編 C'est si bon
Maybe I lied to you then, but I also lied to myself

Editor / Yu Hao × Contribution / Triangular Relationship|Three Words One Story

Maybe it was wrong from the beginning. In a girl's dream, the grapes are always sweet enough to make people laugh happily, so that I can't help but delusion in reality

At that time, that grape was also sweet, I lied to myself, and also to you

Lies can't cover up the real acid, it slowly corrodes, the red thread that you and I have drawn proves that we are wrong to each other; however, I still can't help but miss the acidity of the grapes

Content|Summer Love Planning Magazine | A day of days magazine / Japanese and Japanese Youth

【Read More...】

>>> Japanese / love, hold tight, like you
>>> Japanese sentences/ To youth, basketball, poetry, and you with a ponytail
>>> Magazine EP Edition|About one of the simplest and most gentle text plans
>>> Summer Love Project/Love You Love Me


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