Vee Finance 試行Kava Testnet

Testnet again

Vee Finance is piloting testnet in Kava, I will get some testnet tokens and play

Just enter

Supply some coins first


I supplied 182 Kava, enabled the collateral in orange on the right hand side, then I can press borrow

I try borrow 50 Kava

Just follow Metamask's usual usage to confirm, and if you want to pay it back, just press repay on the dashboard.

This platform has loan and pledge currency services.

Also, at the same time, I also play Firefly Testnet

This platform is for perpetual contracts, I don't know how to use it, and I'm still groping.

Since the last time we played the UMEE Testnet and easily got an airdrop worth $80, our group of people were very enthusiastic when they saw the Testnet. Speaking of low, we could try the new platform and get the airdrop. We were very happy.


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