Autism | Internships

The eldest son loves his younger brother very much since he was a child. He knows that his younger brother loves to eat chicken drumsticks. When he has chicken drumsticks in his nutritious lunch, he will take it home and leave it for his younger brother to finish his homework. In order to encourage my younger brother to finish his homework quickly, he also hangs the drumstick on the ceiling fan's pull wire, so that the younger brother can watch and write his homework at the same time to speed up the speed.

Today is the substitute teacher, the substitute teacher for the morning of the last " Best Day ".

Summary of the previous situation: After the teacher caught the hot boy that day, he asked me to call the Academic Affairs Office. Therefore, the substitute teacher who used three strong men came to deal with it.

Last time, I rushed to hand over students, and because of such an impressive incident, I didn't have much chance to talk to the substitute teacher in the middle.

Today, I had a little time to chat, only to know that she has a young son who is autistic and is 30 years old; the eldest son is 34 years old.

The eldest son loves his younger brother very much since he was a child. He knows that his younger brother loves to eat chicken drumsticks. When he has chicken drumsticks in his nutritious lunch, he will take it home and leave it for his younger brother to finish his homework. In order to encourage my younger brother to finish his homework quickly, he also hangs the drumstick on the ceiling fan's pull wire, so that the younger brother can watch and write his homework at the same time to speed up the speed.

Until now, the elder brother chose to work in the All-China Federation for the sake of his younger brother, and it was convenient to arrange shifts to take his younger brother to see a doctor on Tuesday. Autistic fixation, my brother understands very well, so he is always willing to let his brother, and everything will be for the sake of his brother. The substitute teacher's mother said that the younger brother eats and drinks spicy food with his elder brother! When my brother makes money, he will take the whole family to eat some special international dishes. Moreover, I told my mother that my younger brother should not only eat these ordinary foods, but also take his younger brother to taste a variety of different foods.

I couldn't help but think, what about my brother's own life, dreams and career development?
I asked the substitute teacher, what did my brother major in before?

In fact, the substitute teacher also encouraged my brother to teach in cram schools, especially now that there is a shortage of English teachers. It's just that my brother doesn't seem to be interested. Moreover, it is said that the current director of the Quanlian also highly values his brother, because he is very willing to do things and to be active.

Don't have a girlfriend? Don't you have to get married and have kids?

So, I asked carefully, did my brother have a girlfriend? The teacher seemed to know what I wanted to ask, so she directly replied to me that my brother felt that there are a bunch of princesses who are not princesses among the girls today. Moreover, my mother also thinks that if her life starts all over again, she does not want to get married. At first, she was only married to meet the expectations of her parents. Therefore, she will not particularly encourage her children to get married. In the end, she said, it's probably because my brother didn't meet someone he liked~~

In fact, if you think about it carefully, they are now in this family, and the mortgage has also been repaid. Dad retires to receive a pension, mom occasionally comes to take the class to earn some pocket money, and my brother has a job, so it seems that he can live comfortably!

Today we will chat because when we took the students to the library in our third class, we heard screams from the students not far from the classroom. It is presumed that they are special students in a special class! Personally, I know that there are more or less special children in the school, and these situations occur occasionally.
The substitute teacher mentioned that she personally felt that in such a situation, parents should let their children take medicine. Otherwise, the child will suffer, and the learning rights of other students will also be affected. She suddenly mentioned that she also has a child who is autistic, and she is autistic who does not speak. It was also because of this child that she retired from the workplace in the trading company to take care of the child wholeheartedly. Therefore, being a teacher is not her profession nor her career, so she will only serve as a classroom teacher, but with more than 20 years of experience, she can still see that she is very experienced in class.

She mentioned that she felt children could be trained. Her autistic son used to dislike eating green vegetables. In order to train his son to eat green vegetables, she specially asked her husband to take the eldest to eat out for a week. She used this week to cook only vegetables instead of rice, leaving her son with no choice. Of course, she also deliberately cooked all kinds of green vegetables to attract children to eat. After a week of training, the child found that green vegetables are also delicious, so he changed his fixation behavior of not eating green vegetables. I have to say, this mom is really caring.

Unfortunately, today's time is very short, otherwise I should be able to hear more about her experience and take this opportunity to learn more about autistic children.


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