Community Activities | Me and the tags I create


Matters' tagging feature has been updated. Now each matters citizen can manage the tags they create, add/remove articles to the tag, and the tag can be tracked by other citizens and can also accept contributions from other citizens.

For details, please refer to Matty 's article: Matters Tag Function Evolution | Read categories, personal columns, it can satisfy you!

I like this feature very, very much, so after the new feature was launched, I went to the tab page for a long time, looking for interesting and interesting tabs, but the vertical distribution of short words does not always make people a little desire to read in. , the managers of many tags have not yet had time to add descriptions to their tags and manage/add articles under the tags.

So I want to launch such an activity today to discover more interesting tags, and maybe I can urge more managers to edit a description for the tags, so as to benefit the explorers like me who like to flip through tags.

rule of activity:

  1. Create a tag or claim one you've created before, and write a long or short introduction or description for it on the "Edit Tag" page.
  2. Organize the introduction of one or several tags that you manage into one article and publish it, and associate this article. When posting, please include the "hashtag" #me and the hashtags I create .

If you want, it's best to add an introduction to yourself in the text, or simply attach a link to your new Matters check-in card.

Let me introduce the tags I have created so far:

# Matters'Tron Exploration

In "The Garden of Forking Paths," Borges mentioned a civilization created by a collective of secret societies, the Tron. A group of people who are proficient in various disciplines create inventions, which are then incorporated into a systematic plan. Astronomers, biologists, engineers, metaphysicians, poets, ethicists, chemists, algebraists, painters, geometers, etc. all contributed to it.

Matters' Tron Star Exploration is an attempt at a community activity - the creation of Matters' Tron civilization, which does not rely on the Tron mentioned by Borges in "The Garden of Forking Paths", but a completely The brand new Tron created by the citizens of matters.

Matters citizens can rely on their own knowledge reserves and use their imaginations to write content related to various fields or create Tron-flavored works for this planet to enrich the world.

For details, please refer to the event description: Create a Planetary Civilization

(By the way: This community event is underway, and there are still two days before the end. Citizens who want to participate should do so as soon as possible! I hope this label will continue to be used after the event, after all, it is such a fun thing to create a planetary civilization )

#expired movie review

If you are also tired of the current popular movies, spin around in the movies recommended by big data, and gradually lose the urge to explore in the movie world, welcome to "Expired Movie Review", be an out-of-time movie audience, and meet those who have passed. , the movie buried in the corner.

If the collision with these films just touched you, please share your thoughts and feelings here, and maintain a little residual warmth after watching the film.


Text that tastes better when eaten with audio

Please let the voice speak—

#touch the world

 This is the label I created for the "Let Love Generate Power" activity, and it is already being updated. It is estimated that the contact with the world will hardly end, and it will continue forever.

If there's one thing I want to try to bring to others, it's probably a sense of opening the gaps in life, which I call -- a light touch with the world.

It may be interpreted as a kind of wonder, the wonder of self-existence, of the existence of all things, the emotions and feelings that easily sit in our bodies and are more easily ignored; it is also the ability to see and hear, to Stretch out the fine folds of life and observe carefully, use a magnifying glass to look at little-known corners, and hear a secret whisper that is often ignored.

I might tell the secret of a tree growing, the texture of a sound, the softness and hardness of a body of water, the slightest trace of a person being overlooked, the most trivial but most wonderful thing.

Maybe reading itself is like a big net to climb on, and my writing will not be the knots woven by the rope on this net, or even the rope itself, it is the space under these net holes, everyone is in When you are striving to cling to a certain direction, you can also stop occasionally, look down with your head, touch the world lightly, just a little, maybe there will be some dreamy and beautiful interest, and then It's never too late to hit the road.

#Matters' virtual review collection

It's a play on words, writing a review for a fictional work that doesn't exist.

I hope everyone can play to their strengths and have a good time here.

See event text for details: Matters Virtual Review Collection

(This event is in progress, and the deadline for the event is August 15th. I hope everyone will participate more, and I hope this label will continue to be used after the event ends.)

ps: This tag was created when the virtual comment activity was launched, but because some citizens of matter submitted old articles during the event, I went to ask Matty to tag it, so this article became the earliest published article under the tag, so The current moderator is not me, I cannot edit this page. The rules of this event cannot be met here, please bear with me.

Earlier when launching the "Matters Virtual Review Collection" campaign, it was mentioned:

Matters is like a small universe, hoping to see every small planet with stunts join together to create a world - this world can be a planetary civilization, or it can be a virtual commentary.

Let us see and know each other in the process of creation.

I think such labels are very similar to small galaxies with different scenery. When exploring alone in a spaceship, they are often lost and ignored, so I want to take this opportunity to pick up more possibilities for exploration.

Looking forward to your guide!

(I really didn't start this activity because I was tired of flipping through the tags)

Attached to the newcomer punch card: Exploring the world of ventriloquism


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

蓋婭和烏拉諾斯的吻複雜多變自由職業;野生青年編、導、演;非正職模特 我將創造你/籠罩於身體之上/世間萬物都不可觸碰/唯有隆起的山峰/它們將親吻你
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