The 2014 movie, after re-watching, since the old tears?

Life experiences and perspectives really make people feel different in each play. .

I won't sell Guanzi which movie, let me first let everyone know that the movie I watched is [Interstellar - Interstellar].

This is a "must-see in life" that many websites recommend.

The play describes a future world where the Earth is already full and uninhabitable, and the atmosphere has less and less oxygen (sounds familiar, as if it's happening now).

Human beings live in dust storms every day, and there are fewer and fewer crops that can survive.

In the end, even potatoes could not be planted, and the crops were only corn.

Unable to bear, human beings must find new planets to live in. .

[And when I watched this video seven years ago]

I didn't have a family when I watched this movie,

When I go to the cinema, I yearn purely for science fiction and the plot of this good movie.

What is more memorable is that the feeling when watching is [very heavy].

The reason is that most of the time in the movie is a space odyssey, which kind of takes my breath away.

After watching it, I am amazed at the development and design of the story, and no doubt admire the professionalism and story editing of the production team.

In the film, the different parallel worlds can be presented very realistically, but in fact, after watching it, I can be regarded as half-understood, and my mind is still full of question marks.

At that time, I purely regarded this drama as a [very good-looking interstellar science fiction movie].

[However, the feeling of watching this movie a few days ago is completely different]

In fact, before I rewatched it, I just wanted to know more about what I didn't understand when I saw it back then.

But ah, the experience and perspectives of life really make people feel different in each play. .

Speaking of the male protagonist in the play, he is a father who takes care of his family very much.

His wife died young, and he can only join forces with his grandfather to take care of two children: a brother and a sister.

Later, due to my father's previous work and space flight experience,

He must shoulder the responsibility of helping humanity to explore new habitable planets. Fathers understand that if nothing is done, sons and daughters will die as the earth becomes uninhabitable.

But at the moment before he left the earth, the daughter was very angry.

She was very smart when she was young, but she still didn't understand why her father left them.

She was distressed, so she hid in the sheet angrily and cried angrily.

As a father, he really had nothing to do with her, so he could only come to her bedside and say a few words to her hiding in the sheets before parting. .

He said: "If you choose to not forgive me like this, it will be really difficult for me to leave like this to complete the task."
The daughter said: "Then I really never want to forgive you, you will not leave."

Of course, as a person with a sense of responsibility, the reality really makes us helpless in many things [no choice].

must be weighed and decided from a larger perspective,

In terms of [staying with my family] and [saving humanity], my father chose the latter.

He reluctantly took a last look at her hiding in the sheets,

Quietly closed the door, packed up and left. .

Leave the story and return to reality. .

In fact, when I watch this film now, what I think in my mind is really different from before. .

Seven years ago, although I was not so young, I knew that my parents were good, but after all, I didn't understand the feeling of being a parent.

And today, since I saw this scene, tears flowed uncontrollably and automatically (I never cry while watching a play).

I thought to myself. .

Children are ignorant when they are young, but parents are helpless because of considerations and pressures in the real world.

When they have to make a choice, they usually sacrifice themselves and have to grit their teeth and endure hardships silently.

Parents leave their children with the best. .

Today, because of the epidemic, I have been unable to go back to my hometown to visit my parents for some days.

So I really understand how being a parent is all about worrying and worrying about your kids all the time.

I personally believe that everyone used to be the overbearing president of their parents when they were young.

Let them worry all the time, and be proud of being the focus of their parents.

Do you also have that feeling of [the sky is falling and parents are there], so when you are in trouble everywhere?

And do you still remember why we were so happy when we were young?

The answer is because: worry and worry are left to the parents.

When we grew up a little bit and wanted to fly farther after graduation, it was really hard to imagine how heavy the hearts of parents are.

Back to the more positive energy!

Of course, the most important thing for me now is to work hard and take care of myself so that I can take care of the people around me.

I also have a little girl domineering president, I don't ask her to be very good in everything, but only ask her to be healthy, happy and happy throughout her life. .

And if you are kind-hearted, if you also see this, are you missing your family? Pick up the phone and call them and have a good chat~

At the end of the film, it is also said that [love] is the most important element to save the world.

Finally, I wish all parents in the world good health,

I also hope that their domineering president(s) will be filial, healthy and happy~!


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