Cross-Border Romance Lin Lanzhi represents Champagne boss Qin to identify treasures


[Reporter/Chengyu Report] The ten-year art cultivation journey of keeping a low profile has made Lin Lanzhi, the founding president of the Chinese Art and Culture Exchange and Promotion Association, both emotional and intellectual, leaving a more dazzling and beautiful mark on the artist, hidden deep in his heart. The creative soul flies freely.

Containing cross-border achievements, Lin Lanzhi stands at the level of the founding president. Her original intention is not entirely for her own benefit, but she hopes to contribute to the environment where she is. The artist's feelings can be seen through the work, and the audience can interpret the resonance.

He has lived a more dazzling self and spared no effort to help Chinese artists go international. Lin Lanzhi, who has been sharpening her sword for ten years, expanded the international stage and extended her global vision. She met in the same era and the same city, experienced the same history and experienced the same things. "Looking back, I found that this trip was well worth it."

Cherishing each other's karma, Lin Lanzhi said that after the 2023 epidemic, in addition to the originally founded "Chinese Art and Culture Exchange and Promotion Association", he also entered the business world to represent French champagne, self-media operating companies and catering groups. In the past ten years, he has enriched himself through art, and has been indispensable. Yi also raised the profile of the public's praise. "I took the opportunity to discuss more with Boss Qin and achieved the glory of being the first equal dialogue between Eastern and Western art," she said.

Speaking of cross-border, Lin Lanzhi and Qin Silin seem to be in the same field but have crossed over into two different fields. Now they are sparkling, and they jointly organized the "On Art Antiques Appraisal and Dinner" at the Chinese Art and Culture Exchange Promotion Association to share "your treasures" Is it true?" Hot topic.

"My father has been friends with Boss Qin's brother for a long time, and I have been adopted as his goddaughter since I was a child." Lin Lanzhi thanked her father and godfather for the personal invitation, which made it possible for Boss Qin to take time out of his busy schedule to participate in the "Art Antique Appraisal and Dinner" , with this opportunity to ask for help in person, my treasure hunting knowledge has improved to a new level.

Telling stories in a world-class way, the most eye-catching feature of the dinner was France’s most famous champagne. Lin Lanzhi jokingly said that after Boss Qin's appraisal, the French champagne "Lady Victory 2012 Limited Edition" was the first choice for champagne.

As a well-known treasure appraiser on the variety show, Qin Silin regards antiquities as a bridge to understand past history and civilization. "Cultivation of artistic sensibility, the more you look, the more you understand." This national treasure hunter led the guests to make in-depth judgments and understand ancient civilizations, and shared the world's rarest and best Ru Kiln ancient porcelain, from Hongshan Culture jade to Shang Dynasty Zhou bronzes, Tang Sancai, Song porcelain, Ming textiles, and Qing Khotan jade are all instant choices.

Boss Qin was very eloquent, and with his humor and professionalism, he started a pawnshop business from scratch. In its heyday, there were more than 500 members in Taiwan. The most talked about thing is that he co-hosted the TV show with Wu Danru, creating a popular TV show. Good results. The Chinese Art and Culture Exchange and Promotion Association took advantage of the "Is your baby real?" discussion opportunity to learn more and gain a lot.

The dinner speech created a warm and interactive atmosphere, and the applause lasted for a long time. It enriched the 50 distinguished guests' knowledge of their own "baby" and also shared Lin Lanzhi's generous and flowery life pace. "We are supposed to be born unique and spare no effort." "To help Chinese artists go international," all the hard work has paid off.

Picture provided by: Chinese Art and Culture Exchange and Promotion Association

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