What is Pi Network⁉️Who developed Pi Network⁉️What makes Pi Network different⁉️

What is Pi Network⁉️Who developed Pi Network⁉️What makes Pi Network different⁉️Is Pi Coin for sale⁉️

What is Pi Network?

Pi Network is a novel cryptocurrency and developer platform that (1) allows mobile users to mine Pi coins without draining device batteries, reducing environmental impact, and (2) facilitating the most convenient and ubiquitous applications in the world Platform where developers can offer users real-life utilities and products in exchange for Pi coins.

With its 30+ million engaged user base (as of December 2021), allowing anyone to mine directly from their smartphone, the Pi Network strives to bring true economic power back into the hands of the masses. Pi's blockchain not only secures economic transactions through a mobile merit-based system, but also provides a full Web 3.0 experience where community developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) for millions of users.

Who developed Pi Network?

Pi Network was founded by Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis and Dr. Chengdiao Fan, two PhDs in computational engineering and social sciences from Stanford University.

Dr. Kokkalis, in addition to developing/founding several startups and human-centered technologies in the past, teaches decentralized applications on blockchain in a computer science class at Stanford University.

Dr. Fan, who holds a PhD in Computational Anthropology, has also served as a founding developer of several startups and projects centered around expanding social communication and surfacing untapped social capital for people around the world.

Both are staunch and long-term believers in the technical, financial and social potential of cryptocurrencies, but are frustrated with their current limitations. To address the shortcomings of traditional blockchains, they adopted a user-centric design philosophy that upended the development process of new blockchains.

What Makes Pi Network Different?

Pi's blockchain uses an adaptation of the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) -- an instance of federated Byzantine agreement -- to verify transactions.

Compared to traditional blockchain mining methods such as Proof of Work (POW) or Proof of Stake (POS), Pi's protocol uniquely provides decentralized control, low latency, flexible trust and progressive security, while The environmental cost is only a fraction of the cost. Simply put, fault tolerance is achieved through a decentralized network of nodes that reach consensus through a network of trust of mobile users who earn Pi by verifying their day-to-day presence and vouching for the authenticity of others . Environmental impact is greatly reduced as this method does not require energy-intensive hardware to mine.

The robust economic design of the Pi Network is built on an intuitive and transparent model that facilitates Pi Coins as a medium of exchange without the need for token centralization. Key principles include fair distribution (every user has the same base mining rate), scarcity (mining rate decreases as more people join), and meritocracy (rewards are distributed based on contributions to the network).

Pi Network's developer platform also offers many qualities that may interest developers. As the world's largest authenticated user base , Pi Network has pre-built infrastructure such as cryptocurrency wallets, user authentication, notifications, deep linking, application interoperability and many other pipelines. Its app engine uses an operating system similar to Apple's iOS, with a secure blockchain component. Community developers can incorporate Pi's SDK and user authentication measures into their applications, enabling Pioneers to seamlessly integrate into the Pi's ecosystem and move back and forth between different interoperable applications without the need for separate logins or Provide additional contact information.

Are Pi coins available for sale?

Pi Network is currently transitioning from Testnet to Mainnet, where Pi Coins will eventually be sold publicly. The network does not have any ICO or crowdfunding of any kind, and any sales of Pi are unauthorized and have no affiliation with the Pi Network. Those wishing to join the Pi Network can download the mobile app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and start mining.

Invitation code: kyle2051

iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pi-network/id1445472541

Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blockchainvault

If you need a code, you can enter 👉🏻 kyle2051 👈🏻 to join my team (use this code to speed up by 25% after the 4th day), you can contact me in my team chat room!




 Pi Community(DAOs, DeFi, NFTs)
Mission of Pi Community
Pi Community Company's dedicated effort is to build a decentralized future.
Familiar interfaces
People-centric design
Trust and Security



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