[Miscellaneous Article] Who is the "best" in "New Onion"?


" New Onion " is an Internet community outside the wall. The biggest feature of this website is that there are many anti-thieves (anti-CCP), and they are mainly from mainland China (31 provinces and cities). Politically, it can be called the opposite of “Zhihu” and “Baidu Tieba”, a comprehensive community within the wall. In a word, it is a place where the CCP is criticized on the Internet.

But as the saying goes, "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes". To put it simply, it means that people's ideas are difficult to adjust, and they will naturally split into sects, each with its own master. Moreover, the degree of division of the anti-thief's position outside the wall must be heard by netizens who have experience in overcoming the wall and are concerned about politics. The pro-democracy movement, Falun Gong, the Republican Party, and the reformists all have their own opinions, and the quality of their views is also uneven. I have been free recently and analyzed the political stance of some high-profile users of "New Onion" and their current situation on the site. First declare a few things:

  1. Stance: I do not take any political stance in my analysis. This is a purely or basically data-based analysis.
  2. Data source: The data source of user prestige and number of approvals is the website of "New Onion": https://pincong.rocks/people/ . This data will not be used for any commercial purpose.
  3. Research method: Simple web crawler, EXCEL and my own manual judgment. This is not a professional article, it's purely a "self-healing" essay, and my statistical level is only at the level of "mean-variance-standard deviation", and the research method is not reasonable. Experts in the fields of Internet operation and statistics are welcome to provide opinions.

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First of all, what is "the best mix "? This question can be understood in such a simple way. We might as well divide all the people in a group into four categories:

  1. In exchange for relatively little effort, in exchange for greater benefits (efficient profit)
  2. In exchange for a relatively large amount of effort, in exchange for a larger benefit
  3. With relatively little effort, in exchange for smaller benefits (no merit is not rewarded)
  4. In exchange for a relatively large amount of effort, in exchange for a small benefit (inefficient profit)

Obviously, the first type of people is the best; the second type of people is not bad for benevolence; the third type of people is a true portrayal of the general public; at the same time, it is obvious that no one wants to be the fourth type kind of people.

So, who is the most profitable on the new green onion website? Of course the big V. Anyone who has been on Zhihu knows that a big V with more than 10,000 followers can easily get thousands of likes when writing an article. After certification, you can also open a live to earn extra money. Sanwu trumpet's answer is often a sinking one, let alone opening a live column. So, what kind of "payment" does Zhihu Big V use in exchange for traffic benefits? Of course, it is to write an answer or write an article. A high-like answer can attract attention, a few high-likes can attract more fans, and after more fans, the number of views of the article can be increased, which snowballs. Zhihu's algorithm pushes different responses to users with different degrees of attention. This is why some big Vs can get high likes even if they post an article with little content and poor quality, but the trumpet's speech is not read. Regarding the situation of Zhihu, I will post a few more articles to discuss it in detail when I have time.

The same goes for the onion. The server calculates a "reputation" value for each user according to a certain algorithm. Generally speaking, with the increase of likes, prestige will increase; being downvoted may lead to a decrease in prestige. According to the official regulations of Pincong, users with a prestige value of 64 and above have the right to ban and mark other users. These people are called "administrators"; users with a prestige value of 100 or above stepping on others' answers or comments will reduce the prestige of others. Moreover, users with higher prestige values are suspected to have a greater influence on the prestige of others after stepping down on other people's answers. Therefore, in Pincong, the phrase "the higher the prestige, the greater the power" is generally correct.

Here, I calculate two values:

  1. Praise ratio. The formula is: like ratio = total likes / prestige value
  2. Average likes. The formula is: Average Likes = Total Likes/Total Speeches. The "total number of speeches" here refers to the sum of the number of all speech units (answers, articles, article comments, video comments, questions).

The lower the praise ratio, the stronger the ability to earn prestige. The lower the average likes, the lower the overall cost. Users with low likes and average likes get the best out of it, because they get more for less. Explain that they are best suited to Pincong's algorithm and community culture. So I roughly analyzed the top 60 users of Pincong Prestige, analyzed their positions through artificial judgment, and made such a picture (because some foreign names are too long, I use the Chinese translation or abbreviation corresponding to their foreign name to refer to Generation: electronic 8964 - electron8964; red dragon - killreddragon; rtg - rtgzddgh; coward - cowardly fsky; Asia - freedomasia; crazy Xi - crazy Xi Jinping; anonymous Liu - anonymousLiu):

Aside from anonymous users (not included in the sample), the person with the highest in-sample likes ratio is HelicopterZ at 11.63. The person with the lowest likes ratio is minwooilbo , at 0.12; the person with the highest average likes in the sample is anonymousLiu , at 6.73. The lowest average like is rtgzddgh , which is 0.62. Therefore, the maximum value of the abscissa is 7.0; the maximum value of the ordinate is 12.0. The degree of "mixing well" is from good to bad: bottom left (i.e. double low users) > bottom right > top left > top right.

All users in the sample are divided into six categories, and I personally browse their speeches and make judgments. After all, no matter how good the machine learning algorithm is, it is impossible to distinguish the political position of the speaker based on the text of the speech alone. This thing has to be done by the human brain. Of course not exactly. The six categories are roughly classified as:

  1. Aunt General/Anti-China: Those who express their support for Liu Zhongjing, support splitting China, and hate the unification in their speech; or express disgust with Chinese culture, or Chinese culture is not as superior as Western culture, will be classified into this category.
  2. Old housekeeper: This category is basically fixed. That is, several "super administrators" who often appear (referred to as super administrators, administrators with higher authority than 64 prestige administrators). Including: a deer (this sister also seems to have a number in matters), electron8964 , cowardly and so on.
  3. Republic of China/Republic of China: The speech clearly expressed support for the legal system of the Republic of China, and one China is the Republic of China or the Three Principles of the People.
  4. Moderate and self-governing: Do not expressly support reunification or secession, and focus on discussions on specific systems and specific historical facts (such as June 4). There are both democratic and fresh, and there are relatively pragmatic views. The largest number of people.
  5. China: Make it clear that you want to revive China, patriotic and anti-Party. Make it clear that you are proud of your Chinese identity and Chinese culture.
  6. Rugong/Ruzhao: Those who express their disdain for the CCP and the current Chinese people and Chinese culture in their speeches will be classified into this category.

=======================Conclusion========================== =======

  1. It is not difficult to see from the above picture that the aunt/anti-China faction is the best group of "new onions", because they are mostly distributed in the lower left and lower right (even close to the lower left) area. In my sample, only The exception is one person, the pink dot in the center of the upper left area. This person is still a primary school student . Among them, rtgzddgh has an average of only 0.62 likes, but his likes ratio is only 3.09, which is lower than most people in the sample. The only reason that can explain this phenomenon is that the netizen's total number of speeches is high, reaching more than 2200 units, ranking first in the sample, more than 500 higher than the runner-up electron8964 ( more than 1700), and the third runner-up is the public account admin , more than 1600 ; Deer is more than 1,500, ranking fourth.
  2. The super administrators, most of whom are located in the lower left area, also belong to the "powerful class" of Pincong. However, most of these people are good people, and their speeches are hardly biased towards any party. For example, electron8964 has repeatedly expressed its support for freedom of speech. Coupled with the early arrival time, they are all hundreds of prestige, and no one wants to touch them.
  3. Republic of China and China. Put these two together. Frankly speaking, it's really hard to find. In the entire sample, there is one each of the Republic of China faction and the Chinese faction. Due to the small number, it may not be representative. However, I have long heard that the Chinese school was suppressed at Pinion. There are also a lot of people in the Republic of China who quit. I will post a separate article on this later.
  4. Moderate liberal democrats. This faction's position is biased towards the pan-liberal, and it is not clear which position it belongs to. The general public who tastes onion. Except for Leviathan and Jinglue , writers who have a certain amount of dry goods generally get along better. Most of them scold the Party, occasionally breastfeeding Zhao, joking, and not thinking much. Mixed well and bad.
  5. Rugong / Ruzhao. These people are characterized by their disdain for the CCP, the current Chinese people and Chinese culture. The main promoter of "shit pit theory" and "running road theory". However, it does not have a clear ideological program like the aunt/anti-China faction. Generally speaking, it is tough in words but relatively passive in action. There are some similar aunt fans who sometimes join the battle with aunt fans; there are also some people who are purely dirty and not dirty, such as the big black dot HelicopterZ at the top of the picture, these people probably don't even like aunt fans to see them.

To sum it up, on the "New Onion" website, Auntie will get along best with a few old faces, and has the most power; the second is a few writers with dry goods and some moderate democrats who have a better grasp of the terminology; and then there are Some funny people; the Chinese faction and the Republic of China faction are getting worse and worse; in the end, there is a lot of swear words when the CCP/China will be opposed, whoever gets close to the CCP/Mainland China will scold whoever, or like "big" Some of the articles in "Epoch Times" are so vacuously critical, they are the least popular.


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