"Koenigsegg Jesko" The speeding beast from Sweden

Jess yen
When it comes to sports cars, everyone will think of Ferrari, Lamborghini or Bugatti, these well-known big names. But there is also a brand from Sweden, although it is not often heard, but you must have heard of car lovers, that is Koenigsegg!

Koenigsegg may not be as common in Taiwan as Ferrari, Lamborghini or McLaren, which are familiar sports cars. After all, it will cost nearly 100 million yuan to enter Taiwan, and compared with other super sports car manufacturers, Koenigsegg is a relatively new generation of super sports cars. , unlike others that have been around for more than a hundred years, but it must be said that this rising star also has his charm. The most symbolic sign is the rotating door. Today, let's talk about Koenigsegg's latest work.

Latest publication "Koenigsegg Jesko" in the father's name

A while ago, Koenigsegg released the latest beast, the successor to the Agera RS, "Koenigsegg Jesko", which is named after the father of Koenigsegg's CEO and founder Christian von Koenigsegg, Jesko von Koenigsegg. Jesko held an important position in the Koenigsegg car factory during the early brand growth. His father's business acumen and unique vision helped the brand solve many early hardships and difficulties, and Jesko, who is now 80 years old, is already enjoying retirement.

Challenge the monster with a top speed of 500km/h on the surface

Koenigsegg and Bugatti have always had an inextricable relationship. Bugatti has the reputation of being the fastest among mass-produced sports cars. Koenigsegg has been constantly breaking through himself to compete with Bugatti for the fastest speed. Christian von Koenigsegg boldly claimed in a public occasion that Jesko had a speed of up to 532 kilometers per hour in the simulation test in the depot.

Original air injection assist, three oil supply + independent pressure monitoring system

The engine is an evolution of the 5.0-liter twin-turbo V8 used in the Agera. There are four valves per cylinder, each with a bore and stroke of 92 mm by 95.25 mm (3.62 by 3.75 inches) and an 8.6:1 compression ratio. Jesko also uses Regera’s active rubber mounts, which reduce engine vibration in the cabin. The two large turbos are equipped with a 20-liter air tank made of carbon fiber, and an electric compressor that supplies compressed air to the turbos at 20 bar (290 psi), to reduce turbo lag.

The new design challenges the limit

The Jesko is a newly developed model for which Koenigsegg has redesigned the rear wing. A new front splitter and rear diffuser form the heart of the active aerodynamics and airflow package to maximize downforce while maximizing to reduce resistance.

The separated rear wing comes from the top-mounted design used for the first time in Koenigsegg One:1, plus aerodynamic components such as the rear lower guide and the front lower guide, so that the Koenigsegg Jesko will have a downforce of 800 kg at a speed of 250 km/h. At 275 km/h, there is 1,000 kg of downforce, and even more, the maximum downforce is as high as 1,400 kg.

New technology pioneers analog G-value sensor display

The Jesko has the same remote control function that is also used in the Regera's Autoskin, allowing remote operation of the doors and hood. The Autoskin system excels in the sense of the surrounding environment, which protects the door from rubbing against other things when it is opened, and hydraulically lifts the front and rear axles of the car to provide greater ground clearance. And the most well-known Koenigsegg feature - the "two-sided synchronous revolving door hinge" also has a new design. Compared to the previous design, the doors open slightly upwards, with greater ground clearance when opened.

Koenigsegg Jesko appreciation image

Original URL: https://www.potatomedia.co/s/V7C3wxC


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