Why escape from self-limitation is so important to me in my life.

Nicy 分享日常
I myself run my own positive quote page @nicydailymotivation on the social media platform instagram. I love sharing and inspiring people who are recovering from pain or climbing the peaks of life through my own insights in life. Do my best to bring more positive energy to this society, these are the meaning of my creation to me.

On Saturday night, September 25th, I asked my readers a question in the limit of my page: " Which option in life is more important to you personally ?"

Questions and Options

As you can see in the picture, I set 4 options:

  1. goal achieved
  2. enjoy the process
  3. Self-improvement/self-exploration
  4. escape from self-limitation

Readers all have different opinions and choose different options, but I chose to escape from self-limitation, or escape from self-limitation.


In fact, I think that in order for all good things to happen, the first thing you need is to start. And to get started, we have to make ourselves willing to try.

And self-limitation is the lock in our heart🔒, the reason is fear, and the reason restricts the path we want to try. When we are fearful and nervous, our minds start to get cluttered, and the subconscious mind naturally begins to take over the master mind. Blind ourselves, soothe ourselves, and stay away from the things that frighten us. Even what we really want to try.

But when we can realize this, our mind is actually the key🔑.

For example,

I really want to try skydiving, it's a must-do list in my own life, how many people are like me? I can do it now, but it's a high-risk sport and I feel like I'm still young and there's still a lot to do, so I won't try it, I'll do more things later in the future, and do it when I get the chance. It certainly seems like a sensible decision, and I don't think so myself.

But at the same time, for me, that's the cue of self-limitation - when we're afraid, the subconscious starts to protect ourselves by "rationalizing why we shouldn't"

Example 2,

I actually grew up riding a bike, and I love cycling, especially off-road downhill, which is also another high-stakes sport. I really wanted to try it, but I also knew what the risks were. Injuries and bruises were common, but hitting a tree and falling down a mountain was no fun. Again it was a sensible decision, but it was also the fact that I limited myself and avoided trying.

Although the examples I have given are relatively extreme things, in fact, many times in the small things in life, there will be self-limitation, it is just whether you are aware of it or not. It's like saying "I love you" to your parents. If you care about it, you will feel embarrassed, so if you don't say it, it's still an opinion you want to express, but because you care too much about what others think of you, you simply don't act.

In fact, life is just like that once, and we can't be sure of the fact that we will exist tomorrow . Many things seem reasonable and rational, but sometimes we should also ask ourselves whether these reasons are self-awareness or self-limitation.

Like I said before, "The mind is the key to breaking through the limitations and choosing to try." And what I mean is that we must have self-awareness when self-limitation occurs.

Trying to bring risks, let us generate fear, lose self-awareness, and start self-limiting. But even so, we can use the same principle to be aware of this happening, to generate self-awareness, and to escape self-limitation.

my solution

It's taking the fear, and the reason my subconscious tells me, as a reminder that I'm limiting myself. Grab the dominance of consciousness again, don’t let your fear dominate, you know that you have reached the boundary of your comfort zone, and you can break free from your own limitations as long as you take this step, instead of letting fear and reason become me shrinking back and not going Escape tips.

That's why, on my page, a quote I shared earlier included the phrase "Let fear be your cue to step out of your comfort zone."

As of now, self-improvement and exploration have the most votes, and escape from self-limitation has the lowest votes:

For me, get out of my own limitations > achieve self-exploration > let me enjoy the process > get results in the end . Of course, this is just my personal opinion. I believe that everyone has their own deep reasons for the choices they think are more important. Writing and writing, I also have a new understanding from it. Maybe everyone who chooses other options has actually completed the beginning stage of escaping their own limits, and is running to a more avant-garde process, and is in the stage of completing their goals.

If this is the case, you are welcome to leave a message and share, which option would you choose, and how did you reach the important stage you think. I also want to learn more from you all!

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Thanks for seeing you at the end.


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Nicy 分享日常喜歡哲學, 正能量,還有分享一些生活上有趣的領悟。 如果你也像我一樣喜歡接收正能量,散播正能量, 不妨按下追蹤,點個讚給予我力量。
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