Out of the Cats (TV series): Continuing the intrigue in the examination room|One person plays a drama #5


Hello everyone, welcome to Renyi DreamWorks. The TV series we are going to watch today is "The Cats (TV Series) ฉลาดเกมส์โกง". This TV series uses a brand new cast and production team to re-interpret and continue the story of the film version. The final result is unexpectedly very good, so the author's impression of this drama is: น่าอัศจรรย์!

First, let’s talk about the setting of the show. The characters, scenes, and storylines from the movie are used in the middle and early stages of the play, so the first few episodes do give people a feeling of old wine in a new bottle. However, the drama version is not afraid to add new elements to the work, and is willing to make more crazy and different attempts within the inherent framework. The plot you thought you had seen in the theater was reversed and extended in the drama version, and even broke some of the film version, such as providing answers by playing the piano, cheating in the STIC exam, etc., watch it in the movie version It seems natural, but in the drama version, it directly points out the difficulty and inevitability, making the plot even more unexpected and unpredictable. The original plot at the end is even more exciting and makes people very nervous. No matter how well-thought Bank's plan is, every step in fact is walking on thin ice, full of crises and loopholes, and it is far beyond the scope of "cheating". Some people may have a problem with Bank's reckless behavior, but I think This paragraph only highlights the hysteria of Bank after the blackening. What I personally appreciate most about this work is that the drama version allows the characters to see the consequences of cheating. Cheating for a few people and for all classmates is not only a matter of evading the teacher’s eyes, but also bears the corresponding costs and risks, and even implicates others, especially since there are not many people who keep their promises and value their commitments. Perhaps the most well-planned plans fail to account for the greed, selfishness and hatred of the human heart.

To a certain extent, it is expected, but beyond expectations, that this drama's performance in character depiction is quite good. Different from the movie version of Your Love and My Will, the character relationships in the drama version are based on layered transfer of interests. There is no free lunch in the world, and I help you not just because I need you, but if you don't help me, you will suffer too. The cooperation between the various characters is also full of dangerous promises and calculations, and the darkness and desires of human nature are also added just right, especially reflected in Bank, who is from a simple poor and talented student to someone who feels that even 1.5 million baht is not enough. , the role transformation is even more thorough than the movie version, which makes people shudder. Grace and Pat have more time and space to play than the movie version, and their relationship is quite deep, but the sidelines about the two are sometimes ideal, and sometimes very smooth (rhymes 😎). The relationship between Lynn and Bank has also been more interpreted and sublimated. From the competition at the beginning, to mutual cooperation, and finally to their own regrets and love, both deeply influence each other and lead each other to reach different endpoints.

In fact, both the TV series and the movie version of Bad Genius are quite excellent works. If you really want to compare the two, I will think that the TV series is better in terms of characters and stories, but on the creation of cheating In terms of atmosphere and excitement, the movie version 3 years ago is still slightly better.


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