I was actually posted by a hacked account. After investigation, the person who stole it may be the official!

Because I was too angry, the preface was not posted well, so I had to hide it and re-send......

This happened two days ago, and frankly, I'm pretty pissed!

Although I rarely post on Zhihu, I still post ideas, especially if there are new videos uploaded.

As a result I found an unfamiliar answer from the upvotes I received.

I was really stunned for a moment, and I thought about it seriously, when did I answer this question, why am I not impressed at all? And there are no words or phrases in the answer, there is only one video of me. Even if I use the video to answer the question, it is absolutely impossible for me not to write a word, and I am so lazy.

After I clicked in and read this question, I was very angry. It is absolutely impossible for me to answer such a mentally retarded question!

At this time, I didn't suspect the official, but I kept going in and out of the front and back operations, trying to find out what I "did wrong".

The latest answer is still uploaded by me, the answer posted in order to attract the video of station B.

But I saw that the number of answers is 159, and my answer is only numbered 158, which means that it is difficult for you to find out, and because of the long tail effect of Zhihu, even if you no longer write articles, you may still receive approval comments every day, which may be dazzling. It's over.

At this time, I began to suspect that there was a problem with the official.

After going back and flipping through the answer page, I noticed who the questioner was, and I felt even more "ghostly".

I wanted to leave a message under the questioner, but I don't know when this function was canceled, so I had to give up.

However, when I found out, I was very angry! I had to leave a comment in my "answer" question.

I also sent a few ideas @ official staff, but the idea was automatically deleted (it seems to be restored), there is only one left, it doesn't matter anyway, I took screenshots.

Then yesterday I received a "warning" from the little housekeeper that I used the wrong word and asked me to revise it, because I added a paragraph to my so-called answer:

Although I finally received a reply from Zhihu's little housekeeper, I don't know how they will deal with it, or even whether they will deal with it.

Some people may think that I am hypocritical. You are not a big writer or celebrity, so what if you use your video to answer questions? And it's "official" to help you and give you traffic......

Believe me, there is a lot of logic in this kind of god. When Guo Jingming was accused of plagiarism, a large number of fans actually scolded the victim, saying that if he hadn’t copied your book, who would have known about you. …

The reasons for my anger are as follows:

  1. No one can use someone else's account to operate without authorization, even if the other party "gets nothing".
  2. You don’t know my position, but you take my work to answer the question you take for granted. I don’t think you are helping me. I think it is a humiliation. The image I have painstakingly built may be ruined by this answer ( If the answer is seen by many people). What if no one is watching? Then you are disgusting to me, and you still use my own works, I can only say, the official is amazing!

In the past two years, the platform censorship in mainland China has become more and more strict. I believe everyone has heard of it. Although I am slowly like everyone else, I don’t want to be scolded but I don’t want to talk nonsense, so I don’t express my own thoughts anymore. Angry and shouting that this platform is going to end and that platform is going to end, I always feel that they are quite innocent, and the platform can only follow the instructions if they come down, or else?

But if this is the official operation of Zhihu (to be honest, I can't think of the second possibility), how many creators can be irrelevant? Will there be any further actions, regardless of the creator's mood? Will it make things worse in the end and become the last straw to crush the camel?

I don't know, but I hope so.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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Cherryyoko櫻桃陽子♥️Twitter:https://twitter.com/Cherryyokolove ♥️YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/@Cherryyoko/videos (Cherryyoko櫻桃陽子)
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