2022 review and 2023 outlook

2023 fly up

2022 is the year when the world is turned upside down, not only the world itself, but also my own life.

At the end of 2021, I am glad that under the impact of the epidemic, I can still have a job and a meal, and I have also started to get in touch with new things such as blockchain climbing. In 2022, the world began to open up and return to normal, and I was lucky to switch career paths.

Fly over Vietnam with Star Air


As early as the end of 2021 when I came into contact with the blockchain, I began to have the idea of jumping into the industry. I was no longer interested in the media industry, but the vigorous development of the blockchain and the blowout projects attracted me, so I started to understand While getting to know the blockchain, I tried to submit my resume. In March, I was lucky enough to be recruited by my former boss who I had known for a long time to work in Matters Lab. I successfully bid farewell to the media industry. This is very important to me, because most of my previous jobs Almost all of them are related to writing. This is the first job that does not require writing. I still like writing myself, but I hope that I can use different skills in my work. Writing now is to write about work and life experience, and occasionally the media or publishing houses invite me to write articles.

At the beginning of this job, I was mainly involved in the operation team to recruit Web3 authors, plus assisting in other operations, but at the same time, I also began to actively participate in various blockchain-related activities in Taiwan, such as lectures, parties, demo days and other large and small events , Trying to establish contacts in a circle that I am completely unfamiliar with. But after doing it, I found that my role was more like BD.

In October, after Taiwan loosened its borders and returned to China without isolation, it also had the opportunity to travel to Vietnam and Thailand to participate in Crypto events. Through a short week of high-intensity social interaction, it quickly established a relationship with the local ecosystem. In addition to work needs, I am also very curious to know the market ecology of other countries. After eight months, I really enjoy this kind of work content of communicating with people everywhere. In addition to helping the company establish cooperation opportunities, it also greatly expands my contacts in the industry. I hope that these accumulations can be used in the future.

However, this is actually my first BD job, which is very different from my past text-based jobs, and I also found some shortcomings in myself, such as business proposals, English hosting and speeches, etc. are all skills that can be strengthened. Frankly speaking, I like this job very much. It is the job content that I am interested in, and my colleagues are also very good. The wonderful life in 2022 largely depends on this job. But I also work hard and hope that my performance will satisfy the bosses.


The stock market has not really entered into interest rate increases by the end of 2021, so the performance from 2021 to the end of the year is still positive, but by 2022, it will be killed along with the broader market. Especially in the U.S. stock market, due to the allocation of some growth stocks, to be precise, Tesla and NVDA (the belief is firm, just lie flat), the overall performance has been brought down even worse. Later, I opened another U.S. stock account and adopted a more conservative strategy and only allocated a few large-cap ETFs, which are still positive. The biggest lesson I learned is that the gap between bull market and bear market entry is really big.

As for the currency circle, fortunately in the various crashes in 2022, Luna is completely fine, and FTX only has change. However, most of my encrypted assets have slowly turned into NFTs within a year, or I have lost money by speculating in small coins, so there is nothing to calculate.

The new year's hope should be to maintain the discipline of indexing investing and continue to invest until the economic situation improves. The important thing is to maintain a good cash flow, so work will still be the focus in 2023. There is no rush to speculate in coins and stocks.


The climbing interest that started in late 2021 continues until around May 2022. In May, I made a major decision to enter the pit of road cycling. I bought a second-hand road bike. From May onwards, I switched to cycling on weekends. I regularly ride once or twice a week. Besides riding by myself, I also participate in Line. The team group has accumulated many popular cycling routes in the north, and at the end of the year, they successfully signed up for the 2023 Merida Changhua 100-K Challenge. As a Changhua native, it must be completed.

In terms of emotions, I am single and empty window. I have met a few people who are interested, but they don't call or have no chance. This kind of thing cannot be forced.

Finally, I hope that next year, more interesting things will happen, and I will be exposed to interesting opportunities, and better improve myself in work and life.

several goals

Participate in crypto exhibitions in more countries: Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Strengthen your business skills
Learn a new language/skill: Maybe Vietnamese
Unlock more cycling routes: Greater Taipei, Wufen Mountain, Wulai, and Changhua Hundred K, which has successfully grabbed a place
Start a new plan (haven't figured it out yet)


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