About 108 subjects of starry... (FAQ, calculation method, personal planning experience sharing, easy-to-use recommendation website integration...)

To everyone who belongs to the 108 syllabus ❤️Although it is a new syllabus, we can still try our best to make our goals clearer through online information inquiries! I hope it can help everyone 🥰If you have any questions, please leave a message~

Under the Lemon Tree 🏞️ Clear Official Certified Writer × Graphic Designer Official website:


To everyone who is also a 108 subject ❤️

Although it is a new curriculum, we can still try our best to make our goals clearer through online information inquiries! Hope the following arrangement can help you 🥰

The following are the Q&A questions answered on Clear before, and I want to share them with everyone^^

1. How are the stars calculated?

A: Starting from syllabus 108, it is calculated based on the average of the semester grades (that is, the academic performance in school) of senior one to senior three (a total of five semesters), based on the ranking of the class group as the top few percent, and the stars of each school The first few percent are stipulated as the threshold. If the number of people who pass the threshold exceeds the threshold, the comparison will be made (first compare the percentage, then compare the academic test results, and then compare the academic performance in school. After that, each university has different regulations) You can go to Daxuewen and Daxuewang to have a look!

  • Basically only fill in one (your first choice), because if you go to but give up, the school will block you from the subsequent admission channels (you can't choose the school that you gave up)

2. If I give up after counting the ones ahead of me, can I still choose that option?

A: No wayㄛIf you don’t get on TT, you have to go through other admission channels

3. Did Fanxing make it to the third year of high school or did not get to the third year of high school?

A: Starting from syllabus 108, the average of the semester grades from senior one to senior three (a total of five semesters) should be taken (that is, the academic performance at school)

4. If you can give up on Fanxing, can you apply?

A: Proceed to the first question: fill in the first choice, of course it will be good! If you give up, you can still go, but you can only go to another school, because if you give up after entering, the school will block you from the subsequent admission channels (you can't choose the school you gave up)

5. What should I do if the volunteer of the department is not clear?

A: You can participate in relevant camps during winter and summer vacations/consult with career counselors and other teachers/you can visit college first! Put your favorite departments together for comparison (up to three), and then go to Daxuewen and Daxuewang to read relevant information to make a decision

6. What can you do to help yourself confirm your ambition?

A: In accordance with 5., you can also observe which projects you are good at/interested in on-campus/off-campus. You can also ask senior sisters about your impressions of this category, or you can find your future through career counseling classes. way out!

7. Which one has a comparative advantage, EK or TOEIC?

There are many British exams (Cambridge, TOEIC, Kongmei, TOEFL, Quanmin Yingjian). It is not clear whether the British exam you are referring to is the national English exam, but I personally recommend TOEICㄛ! There are many uses. All in all, it is more appropriate to look at the requirements of the university department before making preparations~ But if the level reaches the level, it can actually be tested

PS The learning history file is also very important!

For related learning history files, please refer to the following links:

108 syllabus must-see! How to write/make reports, learning history files, and related brief descriptions? Let me tell you one by one! Various reports × learning history archives super complete analysis Part1😻 https://www.clearnotebooks.com/zh-TW/notebooks/1534130

*Supplementary Note: Because Fanxing is actually another channel, but there is only one chance, so it is recommended for those who want to go to Fanxing to apply for it. It will be safer

*Personal application & the learning history file in it also has a lot of points, and I may make another planning and sharing article in the future. I hope you will support & like it a lot, so stay tuned~

Personal planning experience sharing: the following is the information I will organize

Because only one of the stars is filled, it is enough to sort out the first choice (unless the other choice of the individual likes and wants to be the same as the first choice)

1. Admission score (check on the university website)

2. Personal current school arrangement situation (check in the school administration system)

3. Admission Criteria (Go to the university for inquiries)

*Supplement: The school ranking should be based on the category ranking, not the class ranking!

Personal star recommendation preparation data query example

[Recommended Website URL]

1. University Questions (basic information, subject assessment and preparation for further studies): https://www.unews.com.tw/

Daxue official website home page

2. University Network (admission scores, career development): https://reurl.cc/eE4Olb

University website official website homepage

3. Drop point analysis: https://hs.1111.com.tw/

Drop point analysis official website home page

4. IOH (personal experience): https://ioh.tw/

IOH Official Website Homepage

collego (suitable for searching by interested departments): https://collego.edu.tw/

College official website comparison query page

University Admissions Committee Federation (you can check the learning history files of 111 and 112, and the mathematics accounting project): http://www.jbcrc.edu.tw/

The Federation of University Admissions Committees inquires about 111 and 112 learning history files and mathematics acquisition project pages

Starry: https://reurl.cc/R0lXmz

Comprehensive: https://reurl.cc/gWjMyR

Action learning network exam summary: https://reurl.cc/O08A3v

[Other wonderful articles]

📝Top Ten Tips for Reading Experience Writing×Personal Experience Sharing😻 https://www.clearnotebooks.com/zh-TW/notebooks/1674369

About the 108 syllabus Stars... (FAQ, calculation method, personal planning experience sharing, easy-to-use recommended website integration...) https://www.clearnotebooks.com/zh-TW/notebooks/1670867

[Chinese Text In-depth Research Series] "Longzhong Dui": Exploring Zhuge Liang's analysis of the world situation (+ extended reading) https://www.clearnotebooks.com/zh-TW/notebooks/1675033

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