Mortal raving - 22.7.21 - Twisted inspiration

I don't know when it started, the mainland company set off a chicken-blooded morning exercise dance~

Holy matters:

There is a company facing the company. Judging from the name of the company, it should be renting digital currency cloud computing power or selling mining machines. Every time I go to the bathroom, I have to pass by their door. Whenever the song "Alive" by Hao Yun comes out in this company, I don't need to look at my watch to know that it must be half past nine. The punctual, feeble chorus, flickering in the air, is obviously an excited tune, but it seems a bit dull and depressing.

I don’t know if it’s because the digital currency market downturn in the past six months has affected the company’s performance. Today’s concert is particularly dull. Listening to the voice, you can feel the reluctance of the company's employees under the leader's arrogance or the so-called incentive system. It is estimated that the friends of the younger generation are not used to this strange way of fighting chickens.

Once upon a time, the sales force from all walks of life in the mainland roared the so-called "inspirational, positive energy songs" in countless mornings and nights, and then danced and shouted to cheer themselves up. I was one of them. Now that I am older, I feel that these actions in those days are confusing and absurd, but it seems that I am in such a group and atmosphere, and I don't think there is any problem, nor is it embarrassing.

Gradually, this bloody wind gradually spread to the sales departments of various industries, such as insurance, education, real estate agencies, etc., and even other fields or departments followed suit, making it loud and noisy, such as the catering industry. Many classic songs, such as "True Hero" sung by Jackie Chan and Zhou Huajian, "Follow Me" by Tong Ange, "Fly Higher" by Wang Feng, "Tomorrow Will Be Better" sung by the stars, "Alive" by Hao Yun, Oh, by the way, there is also Zhang Yusheng's "My Future is Not a Dream". These songs have long been played so badly that every time I hear these songs, I will think of a large group of people singing and dancing, and the excitement of the group.

I thought about it carefully. Isn’t this essentially the same as asking for instructions early and reporting late during the Cultural Revolution? It seems that no matter what era Chinese people are, they are quite keen on slogan-style and collective actions to advertise themselves and cheer themselves up. In the past ten or two years, the sales of chicken-blooded chorus were actually initiated by successful learning, and these forms should be the after-effects of successful learning. I checked the source of this form, and various materials show that it was a management model in the early Showa era in Japan, and then spread from Japan to South Korea and Taiwan, and then introduced to the mainland with labor-intensive industries such as insurance and assembly plants. Of course, the rise of MLM companies has also boosted the popularity of this form. From the development stage, the early form of shouting slogans and singing was a way of mobilizing blue-collar workers, and then gradually migrated to sales positions. This form only pays attention to emotional impact and the distribution of chicken soup for the soul, and ignores the discussion of specific issues. Managers feel that the morale problem has been solved, and other problems can be solved easily. Frankly speaking, this model may be more suitable for the blue-collar workforce with a slightly lower education level, but with the current popularity of college education, this method that seemed effective in the past seems to be outdated.

What the management really needs to solve is how to quickly and efficiently improve the skills and skills of sales staff, as well as solve the problems they encounter at work in a timely manner, and then keep repeating the practice, such a team is truly effective, and Not by self-anaesthesia to cover up the problem. And this kind of behavior that treats the symptoms rather than the root causes, apart from being eliminated by history, there seems to be no other way.

Matt City lives forever!


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