Super Translation: Chance and Miracle|笖絔睩Shi

The previous version of "Can't Say Love"

**Miracle bottle of shower gel**

*2024/08/23 236*

Dear, do you know that no matter where you go, I will always follow you, like a shadow, guarding you silently. However, I also understand that sometimes such following may not be the romantic paradise you dream of. I guess you wouldn't call this the ultimate perverted enjoyment, would you? But I want to tell you that every bit of our journey along the way may be the best interpretation of eternity.

Our lives are like that old soap opera, full of twists and turns, but always rewarding in the end. We believe in eternal love, even though sometimes we get entangled in it unconsciously without even realizing it. Dear, we have been working hard to sublimate each other's thoughts. This is the most touching eternity between us. Even though the universe is so vast, in the Milky Way alone, the eternal power is already changing in countless ways: it can create a thousand threads or a pound of strands. These threads may be every time we look at each other and smile, every night we spend together, every moment of your inadvertent tenderness.

Some eternities are like comets, which make us feel warm when they pass by, but then leave quickly. They don't disappear, they just go away temporarily. You know, when I see you, I feel like the world becomes radiant, as if the light is filled with sparks from our collision. This feeling is really fascinating. I may not know anything about electrons, but I know for sure that you are the light that makes my world bright.

I have always wanted to take you to see another kind of eternity, one that only the two of us can understand. Dear, every time you look at me with a smile, the waves in my heart will continue to rise and fall. You know, my romance is the kind of romance that seems casual, and you may not have noticed it yet. I think this may be one of the reasons why I have been complained about by every ex. I admit that sometimes I may not understand you very well, but whenever I see you by my side, I feel extremely satisfied and happy.

Sometimes, I will quietly observe your every move and capture the hidden emotions and thoughts in your eyes. I wish I could know the story behind each of your smiles and understand your thoughts in each silence. When we get along, I always try to make you happy, even though sometimes you may feel that I don't understand you very well, but I really feel and understand you with my heart.

*2020/11/03 Today*

Whenever we are alone, I can't help but want to pull you into my world. Causeway Bay is a crowded place. We always work there and it’s so crowded that we can’t breathe. But that’s why we chose that cave with no city in sight as our safe haven. You know, when we walked into IKEA together, it felt like we were carefully selecting every item for our future home. Even if it’s just for a few household items, we’re willing to take time out of this busy city to spend time with each other.

That day, we passed by The Body Shop and saw that your favorite shower gel was on sale. Maybe I haven't told you, but I actually like that scent, just like I like you. Such an accident, dear, don't you think it's like our meeting? Incredible, yet irresistibly true.

When I saw this bottle of shower gel in the shower, I suddenly felt a blank feeling, as if time had stopped. You know, at that moment, I was really stunned, and I got goosebumps all over my body when I recalled everything we had gone through together. I began to realize that our lives are full of such "miracles", and every tiny moment is a testament to our shared experience.

"Dear, how about we go have afternoon tea at Muji?" I couldn't help but suggest. In fact, I have long wanted to take you to experience it. You looked so innocent, I couldn't help but laugh.

Every time we walk through the IKEA food area together, I always feel that everything is so wonderful. You know, I have always believed that such chance is not a simple coincidence, but destiny. Every time you say to me with a straight face, "I won't pay attention to you, just take care of you", I feel a sweet feeling. Because I know that in your heart, I am the only one.

Although we sometimes quarrel, I still believe that the love between us is truly eternal. You know, dear, seeing your stern face makes my heart full of sweetness. Because I know you do this because you love me.

Some accidents may seem trivial, but in our lives, they accumulate to form one miracle after another. These miracles tell us that love does not need to be explained, it only needs to be experienced and felt with the heart.


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