Matters Discord Co-Builder Recruitment | If you are also actively exploring Web3, come along!

The co-builders will receive the "Matt Universe Pilot" medal, enter the Matters whitelist, and obtain Space Token, Matters Token airdrop and other rights.

The Web3 world is developing rapidly, with a lot of new and complex information being added every day. In the face of this wave, we find it is very effective and important to learn together and remind each other.

Matters Discord hopes to be a place where we can learn and support each other, help more creators lower the threshold of entering the blockchain world, and explore ways to respond to and solve real-world problems through common thinking and discussion.

Based on this, the Matters team first released the learning meeting within the team . At 11:00 am every Friday (East Eighth District), everyone can participate in this learning meeting for free on Discord, and everyone is welcome to discuss with us.

In addition, we also want to invite more people to build the Discord community together. During this process, you can:

  1. Meet like-minded partners and make rapid progress with more people in the co-construction (Matters Discord has nearly 2,000 people, and as more Matters projects are advanced, the number will continue to increase in the future) .
  2. Gain operational experience, and the Matters team will provide you with the resources you need to operate and support you in accomplishing your goals.
  3. You will be awarded the "Matt Universe Pilot" medal, become an important member of the Matt Universe community, enter the Matters whitelist, and obtain Space Token, Matters Token airdrop and other rights.
  4. Matters is constantly expanding the web3 community resources, you can explore, grow with the Matters team, and get more learning resources.

The "Matt Space Pilot Recruitment Program" is officially launched! Details are as follows:

  • 1. Recruitment of "Channel Leader":

Welcome to apply to become the leader of the following five channels and become a Matt Universe driver:

  #web3world #nft discussion board #daoautonomy #cryptocurrency #game-fi play it up

Here are five channels for content sharing and discussion. If you have experience in cryptocurrency trading, or are a GameFi, NFT player or collector, you are good at discovering the latest information, able to interpret data and news, have personal independent opinions, and hope to learn and explore together with community members. So, you are welcome to become the heads of the three channels of NFT discussion area, cryptocurrency, and GameFi.

If you are also thinking about how to apply blockchain technology to establish a decentralized structure, respond to real-world problems, and hope to explore DAO autonomy and more innovative products in the Web 3 world, you are welcome to apply to become the head of the Web3 world and DAO autonomy .

【Participation method】

1. From March 7th to March 14th , please send your candidacy post on the "Matt Universe Pilot Recruitment" channel. Please introduce yourself in the post. It is recommended that you include the following content in your introduction to help us. Get to know you better:

  • Which channel do you want to be in charge of? Based on the channel you choose, what related learning or exploration experiences have you had?
  • Share any of your own advantages or bonus points (such as a major or special learning experience or self-media in business, etc.) and let us know that we can't miss you!
  • Introduce your operational goals for the next three months: There is no limit to the goals, but please disassemble the goals as clearly as possible, for example: produce weekly high-quality content weekly reports, weekly observation bulletins, and organize online online events once a month discussion etc. Make it according to your ability and play freely.
  • Please remember to include the name of the channel you wish to be responsible for in your candidacy post, e.g. #mattuniversepilotrecruitDAOautonomy or #mattuniversepilotrecruitingWeb3world and so on.

2. Registration closes at 12:00 pm on March 14 (East 8th District), Discord users will start voting , and the voting time is 48 hours. According to the voting results at 12:00 pm on March 16th (East 8th District), the person with the highest votes will be elected. Not on Discord yet? go this way


1. Obligations of "Channel Leader":

  • Once elected, complete the operational goals you set for yourself and accept community oversight . If there is any behavior that damages the community and other users, or if more than ten community users request the website to remove your driver position, your position will be revoked and the corresponding rights will be withdrawn.

2. The rights of "channel leader"

  • After being elected, you will get 2,000 Hong Kong dollars worth of stablecoins and 10,000 LikeCoin start-up capital , which will be freely distributed by you and will be transferred to you in three months.
  • When you need to initiate an activity to promote the activity and growth of the channel, you only need to initiate an activity post on the designated channel of Discord and get more than 10 likes, and the Matters team will provide you with the resource support you need.
  • The additional resources available for each channel are: up to 50,000 LikeCoins, 10 Travelloggers NFTs, and 1,000 HKD worth of stablecoins at their disposal every three months, and drivers can also raise additional operating funds themselves.

2. Recruitment of "event sponsors"

If you are not the person in charge of the channel, but you also want to initiate some activities on Matters Discord to help more community users understand, participate in web3, explore new ways to play, create and play games together to enhance community communication; or communicate with others The project party negotiates cooperation and conducts diplomatic activities, so as long as you want to do it, we will support it! By joining this position, you will also become a "Matt Universe Pilot".

【Participation method】

  1. Please design your activity plan first, which should include at least three parts: specific links, resources required for the activity, and activity time.
  2. The purpose of the event should be to promote the community. In order to ensure the normal operation of the event, please contact Dobby of the Matters team first in the "Open a ticket" of the "Support" category of Discord to communicate your event plan. discuss.
  3. After confirming that the activity link is correct, please initiate a vote in "Matt Universe Office", explain the activity plan, and let everyone vote within a fixed time. As long as you get more than 20 likes, the activity can be started.


1. Obligations of the "Event Sponsor":

  • Once initiated, you are obligated to ensure that the event ends successfully. If you give up halfway/have any behavior that damages the community and other users, your position and corresponding rights will be withdrawn.
  • If your activity involves the work of other drivers, please communicate with other drivers in advance.

2. Rights of "Event Sponsor"

  • Each event has up to three Travelloggers NFTs and 20,000 LikeCoin at their disposal , and drivers can also raise additional operating funds themselves.
 The above specific rules will be revised as the Matters Discord community changes. The revised version will be announced in the community.

The biggest revelation of Web3 is decentralized collaboration, which is the spirit of Matt Universe. In a Web3 world, we can all be creators. If you are excited, come along!


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