will be wrong

Is it a misunderstanding?

Is it a misunderstanding?

Or is it just one of those misunderstandings.

I think it is necessary to have "feeling" to be wrong, but misunderstanding is one-sided seeing, listening or feeling. Due to limited knowledge, or lack of in-depth understanding, or self-serving, it leads to wrong judgment and misunderstanding.

The misunderstanding may be the feeling of "I thought". Obviously, after "rational analysis", there will be some "objective facts", but the mind fails to understand it, thinking that it is what I think and feel in my heart, but the result is only "Wishful thinking".

Misunderstanding is not necessarily just a matter of affection, but the relationship between people, whether relatives, friends, colleagues or people you meet by chance, may always make you misuse God, thinking "knowing", but really "knowing". wrong."

Of course, there are also some people who like to make people misunderstood, and always have ambiguous words, behaviors and attitudes.

There are also some people who are easily misunderstood. It may be that they are too enthusiastic and have too many physical movements, which is easy to fascinate some people who lack enthusiasm and concern, and thus misunderstand.

Being wrong is not wrong, nor is it a sin. However, if you are wrong about people for a long time, if you are not prejudiced, obsessed, or misunderstood, or you have psychological problems, misjudging each other's emotions and behavior is always possible. Fault, there must be something wrong!


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穿林莫聽穿林打葉聲,何妨吟嘯且徐行。 竹杖芒鞋輕勝馬,誰怕?一蓑煙雨任平生。 料峭春風吹酒醒,微冷,山頭斜照卻相迎。 回首向來蕭瑟處,歸去,也無風雨也無晴。 蘇軾 - 定風波
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